Anton A. (Alexandrovich) Zamkovoy
1. MS student,
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)
Faculty of Radioengineering and Cybernetics
Moscow, Russia
MS in Applied Mathematics and Physics, June 2012
Moscow Institute of Physics an Technology (State University)
Faculty of Radio Engineering and Cybernetics
MS Thesis: "Multicriteria Steiner Tree wth Cost of Steiner Nodes"
Advisor: Dr. Mark Sh. Levin
BS in Applied Mathematics and Physics, June 2010
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)
Faculty of Radioengineering and Cybernetics
BS Thesis: "Multicriteria Steiner tree with cost of Steiner vertices
(telecommunication network)"
Advisor: Dr. Mark Sh. Levin
Publications & Talks
1. Levin M.Sh., Zamkovoy A.A.,
Multicriteria Steiner tree with the cost of Steiner vertices.
Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics,
vol. 56, no. 12, 1527-1542, 2011
(Journal 2010IF = 0.339).
(journal site)
2. Levin M.Sh., Zamkovoy A.A.,
Multicriteria Steiner tree with cost of Steiner vertices.
Electronic Scientific Journal "Information Processes",
vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 140-160, 2011 (in Russian).
3. Levin M.Sh., Zamkovoy A.A.,
Multicriteria Steiner tree with cost of vertices.
Abstracts of X Int. Conf. CAD/CAM/PDM-2010, Moscow,
Inst. of Control Problems (Russian Acad. of Sci.),
P. 29, 2010 (in Russian).
4. Levin M.Sh., Zamkovoy A.A.,
Multicriteria Steiner tree with cost of vertices.
Proc. of X Int. Conf. CAD/CAM/PDM-2010, Moscow,
Inst. of Control Problems (Russian Acad. of Sci.),
52-57, 2010 (in Russian)
(conference site with papers)
(htm.file from conf. site)
Update: June 19, 2012