Some Basic Topics
1. Engineering Education
2. CS Education
3. Applied Mathematics Education
4. Systems Engineering Education
5. System Design Education
6. Integrated Engineering Education
7. Student Research Projects
8. Online Engineering Education
9. Distance Education
10. Support Education Environment/Infrastructure
11. Individual Education (by plans for each student)
Research Communities, Research Groups, Centers, Resources, etc.
1. Synthesis Engineering Education Coalition
2. The MIT Open Course Ware program
3. Design Method Technology group (USA)
4. Northwestern Center for Engineering Education Research
(Northwestern Univ.)
5. Engineering Education Research Center (Washington State University)
6. Center for the Advancement of Scholarship in Engineering Education (CASEE), National Academy of Engineering
7. Center for Research on Education in Science, Mathematics, Engineering & Technology (CRESMET), Arizona State University
8. Prof. Peter J. Denning, Naval Postgraduate School
(CS Education)
9. Prof. Andrew Sage, George Mason Univeristy
(Systems Engineering Education)
10. Prof. Clive L. Dym, Dept. of Engineering, Harvey Mudd College
& Univ. of Massachusetts at Amherst (Engineering Education)
11. Prof. Alice M. Agogino, Berkeley University (Engineering Education, Synthesis)
12. Dept. of Management Science and Engineering, Stanford University
13. Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, Delft University
14. Prof. Yoram Reich,
Faculty of Engineering, Tel-Aviv Univ., Israel
(Education-related research)
15. Center for Computational Thinking (CMU, Microsoft Research)
16. Directory of Systems Engineering Academic Programs (INCOSE)
17. Council of Engineering Systems Universities (CESUN)
18. Cambridge Engineering Design Centre
19. MIT Engineering Leadership Program
(Prof. Edward Crawley)
20. Dept. of Engineering Education, College of Engineering,
Virginia Tech
(Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
21. School of Engineering Education, Perdue University
22. Engineering Education Research Center,
Swanson School of Engineering, University of Pittsburgh
23. Dept. of Engineering Education and Outreach,
School of Engineering,
Tufts University
24. Dept. of Engineering Education,
Utah State University
25. Engineering Education and Research Center,
Cockrell School of Engineering,
The University of Texas at Austin
26. American Society of Engineering Education
27. Canadian Engineering Education
Association (CEEA))
28. International Society of Engineering Education
Integrated Engineering Programs
1. Faculty of Applied Science, University of British Columbia, Canada
2. Faculty of Engineering, The University of Western Ontario, Canada
3. University of Windsor, Canada
4. McMaster University, Canada
5. Cardiff School of Engineering, Cardiff University, UK
6.University of Bath, UK
7.University of Liverpool, UK
8.University of Nottingham, UK
9.Southern Utah University, USA
Systems Engineering/Systems Design Programs
1. Systems Engineeering Advanced Research Initiative (MIT)
2. MIT System Design and Management Program
3. MIT Engineering Leadership Program
4. Graduate School of System Design and Management
(Japan's Keio Univ., Tokyo)
5. Singapore University of Technology and Design SUTD
(open doors: Apr. 2012)
6. "Integrated Product and Process Design" program,
College of Engineering, Univ. of Florida
7. Course "Interactive system design" (Prof. Chris Johnson, Glasgow University, UK)
8. Dept. of Systems Engineering Design (Univ. of Waterloo, Canada)
9. Mark Sh. Levin: Course on System Design (structural approach)
10. Course on Complex System Design, Prof. Irem Y. Turem
(& Complex Engineered Systems Design 'CESD' Lab.),
School of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering,
Oregon State University
11. Decision Engineering Program,
School of Science & Engineering (Reykjavik University)
12. Engineering Design Program,
School of Engineering Design, Technology, and Professional Programs (The Pennsylvania State University)
Systems Engineering (Wiley)
Journal on Engineering Education
IEEE Transactions on Education
Transactions on Computing Education (ACM)
European J. on Engineering Education
IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A
IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B
IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C
Int. J. of Technology, Policy and Management
Communications of the ACM
J. of Science Education and Technology
Int. J. of Technology and Design Education
J. of Technology Education
Int. J. of Mathematics in Science and Technology Education
Int. J. of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning
Int. J. of Online Engineering (iJOE)
Eur. J. of Open, Distance and E-Learning (EURODL)
Proceedings of the IEEE
Australian J. of Engineering Education
1. Edward Crawley, Johan Malmqvist, Soren Ostlund,
Doris Brodeur,
Rethinking Engineering Education, The CDIO Approach. Springer, 2007.
2. P. Denning, R. Dunham,
The Innovator's Way. MIT Press, 2000.
3. John Heywood,
Engineering Education: Research and Development in Curriculum and Instrcution.
IEEE & WIley, 2005.
4. M. Gosper, D. Ifenthaler (eds),
Curriculum Models for the 21th Century: Using Learning Technologies in Higher Education.
Springer, New York, 2014.
5. J. Kracjik, C. Czerniak, C. Berger,
Teaching Science: A Project-Based Approach.
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1999.
6. M.Sh. Levin, Composite Systems Decisions.
Springer, 2006.
in Amazon
7. M.Sh. Levin, Combinatorial Engineering of Decomposable Systems,
Kluwer (now: Springer), 1998.
in Amazon
8. A.P. Sage (Ed.),
Systems Engineering: Methodology and Applications,
New York: IEEE Press, 1977.
9. Phillip C. Wankat, Frank S. Oreovicz,
Teaching Engineering, New York: MCGraw-Hill, 1993.
10. National Academy of Engineering.
The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century.
Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2004.
11. National Academy of Engineering. Educating the engineer of 2020:
Adapting engineering education to the new century.
Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2005.
Journal Special Issues:
1. P.J. Deshayes, W.A.H. Thissen, (Eds.),
Special issue on systems engineering education,
IEEE Trans. SMS - Part C, vol. 30, no. 2, 2000.
2. P.E. Doepker, C.L. Dym,
Guest Editors, Design Engineering Education,
Special Issue, J. of Mechanical Design, 129(7), July 2007.
3. F.T. Ulaby, S.W. Director,
Special issue on electrical and computer engineering education.
Proceedings of the IEEE 88(1) (2000).
1. Janet Atkinson-Grosjean,
Science policy and university research:
Canada and the USA, 1979-1999.
Int. J. of Technology, Policy and Management,
2(2), 102-124, 2002.
2. S.G. Bilen, et al.,
An overview of space science and engineering education at Penn State.
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, 21(7), S23-S27, 2006.
3. S.G. Bilen, et al.,
Developing students' enterpreneurial skills and mindset,
J. of Engineering Education, 94(2), 233-243, 2005.
4. J. Bourne, A. Mayadas, J. Campbell,
Asynchronous learning networks:
An information-technology-based infrastructure for engineering education.
Proceedings of the IEEE, 88(1), 2000.
5. John Bourne, Dale Harris, Frank Mayadas,
Online Engineering Education: Learning Anywhare, Anytime.
J. of Engineering Education, 88(1), 131-146, Jan. 2005.
6. D.E. Brown, W.T. Scherer,
A comparison of systems engineering programs in the United States.
IEEE Trans. SMC - Part C, 30(2), 204-212, 2000.
7. P. Brusilovsky,
Developing adaptive educational hypermedia
systems: From design models to authoring tools,
in: T. Murray, S. Blessing and S. Ainsworth (Eds.),
Authoring Tools for Advanced Technology Learning Environment.
Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, pp. 377-409, 2003.
8. A. Chakrabarti,
A course for teaching design research methodology.
AI EDAM, 24(3), 317-334, 2010.
9. Pedro Conceicao, Manuel Heitor,
Towards a university agenda on engineering policy
and the management of technology.
Int. J. of Technology, Policy and Management,
1(2), 195-227, 2001.
10. Peter J. Denning, The Profession of IT. Career Redux,
Communications of the ACM 45(9), 21-26, 2002.
11. C. Dym,
Design and design centers in engineeirng education.
AI EDAM, 12(1), 43-46, 1998.
12. C.L. Dym,
Learning engineering: Design, languages, and experience.
J. of Eng. Education, 88(2), 145-148,
April 1999.
13. C.L. Dym, A.M. Agogino, O. Eris,
D.D. Frey, L.J. Leifer,
Engineering design thinking, teaching, and learning,
J. of Eng. Education, 94(1), 103-120, Jan. 2005.
14. S.D. Eppinger, C.H. Fine, K.T. Ulrich,
Interdisciplinary product design education,
IEEE Trans. Eng. Manage., 37(4), 301-305, 1990.
15. A.P. Ershov,
Aesthetics and human factor in programming,
Comm. of the ACM, 15(7), 103-120, 1972.
16. Richard M. Feider, Linda K. Silverman,
Learning and teaching styles in engineering education.
Engineering Education, 78(7), 674-681, 1988.
17. Lyle D. Feisel, Albert J. Rosa,
The Role of the Laboratory
in Undergradiate Engineering Education.
J. of Engineering Education, 121-130, Jan. 2005.
18. Richard M. Felder, Donald R. Woods, James E. Stice, Armando Rugarcia,
The future of engineering education. II.
Teaching methods that work.
Chem. Engineering Education, 34(1), 26-39, 2000.
19. F.K. Fink,
Integration of work based learning in engineering education.
31st ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conf., Oct. 2001.
20. M. Frank, I. Lavy, D. Elata,
Implementing the project-based learning approach in an academic engineering course.
Int. J. of Technology and Design Education.
vol. 13, 273-288, 2003
21. M. Frank, A. Barzilai,
Project-based technology: instructional strategy for developing technological literacy.
J. of Technology Education, 18(1), 39-53, 2006.
22. D. Frey, W. Birmingham, C. Dym,
Design pedagogy: Representaqtions and processes.
AI EDAM, 24(3), 283-284, 2010.
23. A. Friesel,
Encouraging students to study theory through interdisciplinary projects, teamwork and e-learning.
IEEE Region 8 Int. Conf. SIBIRCON-2010,
Irkutsk, vol. 2, 364-368, 2010.
24. J.E. Froyd, M.W. Ohland,
Integrated Engineering Curricula.
J. of Engineering Education, Jan. 2005.
25. W.J. Gregory,
Designing educvational systems: A critical systems approach.
Systemic Practice and Action Research, 6(2), 199-209, 1993.
26. C. Hales,
Designer as chameleon, Design Studies,
6(2), 111-114, 1985.
27. D. Hastings,
The MIT experience in research, teaching and organization.
Int. J. of Technology, Policy and Management,
1(2), 128-137, 2001.
28. J.R. Ivins,
Interdisciplinary project work: Practice makes perfect?
IEEE Trans. Education,
40(3), 179-183, 1997.
29. G.E. Johnson, A.C. Ward,
P.Y. Papalambros, S. Kota, D. Dutta,
Concurrent design education for undergraduate and
graduate students through an integrated project team approach,
Innovations in Engineering Education, ASME, pp. 65-68, 1993.
30. T.C. Lethbridge,
Priorities for the education and training of software
engineers, J. of Systems and Software,
vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 53-71, 2000.
31. M.Sh. Levin, On Teaching of Information Technology.
Nauchno-Tekhnicheskaya Informatsiya,
Ser. 1, No. 5, pp. 14-23, 1996 (in Russian).
(journal site)
32. M.Sh. Levin,
The Third Literacy. Autom. Doc. and Math. Linguistics.
29(3), 66-81, 1995.
(journal site, AllertonPress)
33. M.Sh. Levin,
Hierarchical Decision Making for Education in Information Engineering.
7th Annual Eur. Conf. of EAEEIE, Oulu, pp. 301-307, 1996.
34. M.Sh. Levin,
Typical Decision Making Problems in Preparation of Business Plans.
Scientific and Technical Information Processing.
Vol. 22, pp. 24-34, 1995.
(journal site, AllertonPress)
35. M.Sh. Levin, Towards systems engineering education,
Proc. of 15th Eur. Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, vol. 1, Vienna, pp. 257-262, 2000.
36. M.Sh. Levin,
Course "Design of Systems: Structural Approach",
ASME Int. Design Engineering Technical Conferences and
Computers and Information in Engineering Conference
(IDETC/CIE2006), Paper no. DETC2006-99547,
Volume 4a: 18th Int. Conf. on Design Theory and Methodology DTM,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA,
475-484, Sept. 2006.
(ASME site)
37. M.Sh. Levin,
Towards Teaching of System Design.
Information Technologies and Computer Systems
(Russian Academy of Sciences),
Issue 2, 89-94, 2007 (in Russian).
(journal site)
38. M.Sh. Levin, Student research projects in system design.
Proc. of Int. Conf. on Computer Supported Education
CSEDU-2009, Lisbon, vol. 2, pp. 67-72, 2009.
39. M.Sh. Levin,
Course on system design (structural approach).
Electronic Scientific Journal "Information Processes",
vol. 10, no. 4, 2010, pp. 303-324.
(pdf-file at journal site)
M.Sh. Levin,
Course on system design (structural approach).
Electronic preprint, 22 pp., March 19, 2011. [cs.SE]
40. M.Sh. Levin, Towards k-set frameworks in education.
Proc. of the 3rd Int. Conf. CSEDU-2011, vol. 2, 99-104, 2011.
41. Julie E. Mills, David F. Treagust,
Engineering education -
is problem-based or project-based learning the answer?
Australian J. of Engineering Education,
2-16, 2003.
42, F. Mistree, J.H. Panchal, D. Schaefer, J.K. Allen, S. Haroon,
Z. Siddique,
Personalized engineering education for the twenty-first century.
M. Gosper, D. Ifenthaler (eds),
Curriculum Models for the 21th Century: Using Learning Technologies in Higher Education.
Chapter 6, Springer, New York, 91-111, 2014.
43. M. Granger Morgan, Carnegie-Mellon's Department of Engineeirng and Public Policy.
Int. J. of Technology, Policy and Management,
1(2), 138-150, 2001.
44. R. de Neufville, The emerging curriculum for engineering.
Int. J. of Technology, Policy and Management,
1(1), 117-127, 2001.
45. M. Ogot, G.E. Okudan,
Systemic creativity methods in engineering education: A learning theory perspective.
Int. J. of Engineering Education, 22(3).
46. M. Elisabeth Pate-Cornell, Management of post-industrial systems: academic challenges and the Standord experience.
Int. J. of Technology, Policy and Management,
1(2), 151-159, 2001.
47. M. Elisabeth Pate-Cornell,
Managing technology in the informaiton age: Stanford's new department of management science and engineering.
Int. J. of Technology, Policy and Management,
1(2), 160-173, 2001.
48. Armando Rugarcia, Richard M. Felder,
Donald R. Woods, James E. Stice,
The future of engineerign education I.
A vision for a new century.
Chem. Engineerign Educaiton, 34(1), 16-25, 2000.
49. Y. Reich, A. Hatchuel, O. Shai, E. Subrahmanian,
A theoretical analysis of creativity methods in engineering design: Casting ASIT with C-K theory.
J. of Engineering Design, 2010.
50. G. Ropohl, Knowledge types in technology.
Int. J. of Technology and Design Education,
7, 65-72, 1997.
51. A.P. Sage, Systems engineering education,
IEEE Trans. SMC, Part C, 30(2), 164-174, 2000.
52. D. Schaefer, J.H. Panchal, J.L. Thames, S. haroon, F. Misttree,
Educating Engineers for the Near Tomorrow.
Int. J. of Engineering Education, 28(2), 381-396, 2012.
53. A.J. Shenhar,
Systems engineering management: A framework for the development of a
multidisciplinary discipline,
IEEE Trans. SMC., vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 33-48, 1994.
54. A.J. Shenhar,
From theory to practice: Toward a typology of project management
styles. IEEE Trans. Eng. Manag. 45(1) (1998) 33-48.
55. Z. Siddique, J. Panchal, D. Schaefer, S. Haroon, J.K. Allen,
F. Mistree,
Competencies for innovating in the 21th century.
Proc. of the ASME 2012 Int. Design Engineering Technical Conferencies &
Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE 2012,
Aug. 12-15, 2012, Chicago, Paper DETC2012-71170.
56. H.P. Sjursen,
Global, integrated engineering education:
a curriculum for the 21th Century.
1st WIETE Annual Conf. on Engineering and Technology Education, Pattaya, Thailand, 22-25 Fenrurary 2010.
57. M.P.C. Weijnen, P.M. Herder, W.A.H. Thissen,
Bringing knpowledge management down to earth: knowledge sharing in education, research and industry.
Int. J. of Technology, Policy and Management,
1(2), 174-194, 2001.
58. A.J. Wodehouse, et al.,
A framework for design engineering education in global context.
AI EDAM, 24(3), 367-378, 2010.
59. O. Yasar, R.H. Landau,
Elements of computational science and engineering education.
SIAM Review, 45(4), 787-805, 2003.
60. A. Squires, A. Pyster, D. Olwell,
S. Few, D. Gelosh,
Announcing BKCASE:
Body of knowledge and curriculum to advance systems.
INCOSE Insight 12(4), 69--70, 2009.
Technical Reports, Presentations:
1. Computer Science Curriculum 2008: An Interim Revision of CS 2001.
ACM & IEEE Computer Society, Dec. 2008.
2. Computer Engineering.
Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Computer Engineering. Final Report
ACM, NSF Grant Number 0229748,
Dec. 2004.
3. IS 2010.
Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in
Information Systems.
ACM & AIS, 2010.
4. Graduate Software Engineering 2009 (GSwE2009)
Curriculum Guidelines for Graduate Degree Programs in Software Engineering
Stevens Inst. of Technology, Sept. 2009.
Management of ACM and IEEE Computer Society
5. Software Engineering 2004
Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Software Engineering
IEEE Computer Society, Sept. 2004.
1. Margot Brereton,
The Role of Hardware in Learning Engineering Fundamentals during Design and Dissertation Projects. PhD Thesis,
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,
Stanford Univ., October 1996.