Main Topics
Evolutionary Computation
Evolution in Biology
Evolution in Ecology
Evolutionary Optimization
Evolution of Technical (Engineering) Systems / System Development
Evolvability, Evolvable systems
Evolution and Human Adaptation:
Evolution and Human Adaptation Program (Univ. of Michigan)
Evolutionary Economics:
1. Elements of Evolutionary Economics.
2. Evolutionary Economics Unit, Max Planck Inst. (Germany)
3. Web Site for Agent-Based Computational Economics (ACE)
Washington Evolutionary Systems Society
Evolutionary Programming Society
Research Centers and Groups
The Inst. of Evolution (Haifa Univ., Israel)
Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research (Austria)
Integrative Morphology Group,
Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research
Santa Fe Institute (USA)
Sharov's homepage (Virginia Tech)
Prof. Hod Lipson, Cornell Computational Synthesis Lab CCSL
(Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell Univ.)
CAM(Celular Automata Machine) - Brain Machine (Japan)
The Artificial Self-Replication Page (Moshe Sipper, Swiss Federal Inst. of Technology)
(Now: Dept. of CS, Ben-Gurion Univ., Israel)
Evolutionary Robotics and Self-learning Robots on the Net
Evolutionary Computation (MIT Press)
Artificial Life Journal
Journal of Adaptive Behavior
IEEE Trans. on Evolutionary Computation
Evolutionary Ecology
Evolutionary Optimization
Research in Engineering Design
Advanced Engineering Informatics
Computer Standards and Interfaces
Expert Systems and Applications
1. J.H. Holland, Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems. University of Michigan Press. 1975
(Second edition: MIT Press, 1992.)
2. Z. Michalewicz,
Genetic Algorithms + Data Structure = Evolutionary Programs, 3rd ed., Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1996.
3. D.E. Goldberg,
Genetic Algorithm in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning.
Mass: Addison-Wesley, Reading, 1989.
4. Melanie Mitchell, Introduction to Genetic Algorithms, MIT Press, 1996
5. Adaptive Individuals in Evolving Populations: Models and Algorithms (Eds.: Richard K. Belew, and Melanie Mitchell), Addison-Wesley, 1996
6. K.E. Kinnear, Jr., ed. Advances in Genetic Programming. MIT Press, 1994.
7. J.R. Koza, Genetic Programming: On the Programming of Computers by Means of Natural Selection. MIT Press, 1992.
8. J.R. Koza, Genetic Programming II: Automatic Discovery of Reusable Programs. MIT Press, 1994.
9. G. Rawlins, ed. Foundations of Genetic Algorithms. Morgan Kaufmann, 1991.
10. L.D. Whitley, ed. Foundations of Genetic Algorithms 2. Morgan Kaufmann, 1993.
11. L.D. Whitley, and M.D. Vose, eds.
Foundations of Genetic Algorithms 3. Morgan Kaufmann, 1995.
12. H.-P. Schwefel, Evolution and Optimum Seeking. Wiley, 1995.
13. T. Back, Evolutionary Algorithms in Theory and Practice:
Evolution Strategies, Evolutionary Programming, Genetic Algorithms.
Oxford University Press, 1996.
14. R.K. Belew and M.D. Vose, eds.
Foundations of Genetic Algorithms 4. Morgan Kaufmann, 1997.
15. L.D. Davis (Ed.), Handbook of Genetic Algorithms.
Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1991.
16. D.B. Fogel, Evolutionary Computation: Toward a
New Philosophy of Machine Intelligence. IEEE Press, 1995.
17. M.Sh. Levin, Composite Systems Decisions. Springer, 2006.
(Chapter 5)
18. A. Wagner, Robustness and Evolvability in Living Systems.
Princeton Univ. press, 2005.
19. M.Sh. Levin,
Decision Support Technology for Modular Systems.
Electronic book. 341 pp. (in Russian).
20. M.Sh. Levin, Modular System Design and Evaluation.
Springer, 473 p. 2015 (Due: Sep. 2014).
21. Tomas P. Hughes,
American Genesis: a Century of Invention and Technological Enthusiasm,
University of Chicago Press, 2004.
1. T. Back, F. Hoffmeister, and H.-P. Schwefel,
A survey of evolution strategies. In: R.K. Belew and L.B.Booker (Eds.),
Proc. of the Fourth Int. Conf. on Genetic Algorithmics.
Morgan Kaufmann, 1991.
2. M.Sh. Levin,
Improvement/extension of modular systems as combinatorial reengineering (survey).
Electronic preprint. 24 pp., Apr. 17, 2013. [cs.AI]
1. M.Sh. Levin , A. Andrushevich, R. Kistler, A. Klapproth,
Combinatorial evolution of ZigBee protocol.
IEEE Region 8 Int. Conf. Sibircon 2010,
vol. 1, 314-319, 2010.
2. M.Sh. Levin, O. Kruchkov, O. Hadar, E. Kaminsky,
Combinatorial systems evolution: Example for standard of
multimedia information.
INFORMATICA (Lth. Acad. of Sci.), 20(4), 519-531, 2009.
3. P. America, P. van de Laar, G. Muller,
Experiences in evolvability research.
Advanced Engineering Informatics, 26(3), 478-486, 2012.
4. Th.J. van Beek, T. Tomiyama,
Structured workflow approach to support evolvability.
Advanced Engineering Informatics, 26(3), 487-501, 2012.
5. Th. Zahariadis,
Evolution of the wireless PAN and LAN standards.
Computer Standards & Interfaces 26(3) 175-185, 2004.
6. M.Sh. Levin, B.J. Feldman,
System evolution: Example for signal processing.
14th Int. Conf. on Syst. Eng. ICSE'2000,
Coventry Univ., UK, 377-380, 2000.
7. M.Sh. Levin, Combinatorial Evolution of Composite Systems.
16th Eur. Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research.
Vol. 1, Vienna, Austria, 275-280, Apr. 2002.
8. M.Sh. Levin,
Towards Combinatorial Evolution of Composite Systems.
Expert Systems with Applications,
40(4), 1342-1351, 2013.
9. Levin M.Sh., Safonov A.V.,
Towards modular redesign of networked system.
2nd Int. Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications
and Control Systems and Workshops
ICUMT-2010, Moscow, 109-114, 2010.
10. Levin M.Sh.,
Towards communication network development
(structural systems issues, combinatorial problems).
IEEE Region 8 Int. Conf. Sibircon 2010,
vol. 1, 204-208, 2010.
11. Levin M.Sh.,
Modular design and improvement of the management system in
the smart home
with the use of interval multiset estimates.
J. of Communications Technology and Electronics,
vol. 58, no. 6, 584-593, 2013.
(Journal 2012'IF=0.330)
(journal site)
Levin M.Sh.,
Modular design and improvement of management in smart homes
with interval multiset estimates.
Electronic Scientific Journal "Information Processes",
12(2), 141-154, 2012 (in Russian)
12. Tomas P. Hughes,
The evolution of large technological systems.
In: W.E. Bijker, T.P. Hughes, T.J. Pinch (eds),
TheSocial Construction of Technological Systems.
The MIT Press, 1987.
Electronic Preprints
1. M.Sh. Levin, A. Andrushevich, R. Kistler,
A. Klapproth,
Combinatorial evolution and forecasting of
communication protocol ZigBee.
Electronic preprint. 6 pp., April 15, 2012. [cs.NI]
2. M.Sh. Levin,
Improvement/extension of modular systems as combinatorial reengineering (survey).
Electronic preprint. 24 pp., Apr. 17, 2013. [cs.AI]
3. M.Sh. Levin,
Towards multistage design of modular systems.
Electronic preprint. 13 pp., June 19, 2013. [cs.AI]
PhD Theses
1. P.D. Bordes,
Architecture Overviews:
A Tool for Effective Communication in Product Evolution.
PhD thesis, Dept. of Engineering Technology, Univ. of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, 2010.
2. R. van der Spek,
Managing Software Evolution in Embedded Systems.
PhD thesis, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands, 2010.
3. A. Vanuy,
Supporting Architecture Evolution by Mining Software Repositories.
PhD thesis, Free Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2010.
4. T.B. Callo Arias,
Execution of Architecture Views for Evolving Software-Intensive
PhD thesis, Univ. of Groningen, The Netherlands, 2011.
Information Resoures
Evolution Information (Univ. of Toronto)
Ecology and Evolution Page
Evolution (Bioscience)
Ecology, Evolution & Population Biology
Evolutionary Robotics (Papers on Line by Ezequiel A. Di Paolo)
Key-references on Evolutionary thought (Social Science)