Basic Problems
Basic Decision Making Problems
1. Selection of the best alternative (choice)
2. Selection of a group consisting of the best alternatives (or 'screening')
3. Linear ordering of alternatives (linear ranking)
4. Group ranking or stratification (or 'ordinal decision making', 'sorting'):
obtaining linear ordered groups of alternatives
5. Clustering (or classification): obtaining the set of independent alternative groups
Composite Problems
1. Synthesis of composite alternative
2. Aggregation of structured solutions (e.g., median, consensus, agreement tree)
Dynamical Decision Making Problems
1. Designing a trajectory of alternatives
2. Online decision making problems
Auxiliary Problems
1. Information visualization
2. Design and management of Human-Computer Interfaces
3. Design of decision making solving strategies
4. Design of Decision Support Systems (DSS)
1. Management
(including Supply Chain Management,
strategic planning and forecasting)
2. Systems design
3. Finance, insurance, investment
4. Manufacturing/ production systems
5. Information systems, Web-based systems
(including geoinformation systems - GIS)
6. Civil engineering, construction systems
7. Computer systems
8. Communication systems
9. Transportation systems
10. Biomedical systems/processes
11. Ecological/enviromental systems
12. Social science applications
(e.g., voting, political marketing)
13. Education, educational processes
Main Approaches
1. Statistical techniques
2. Multi-attribuite utility analysis
3. Interactive multi-criteria decision making
4. Analytic Hierarchy Process
5. Outranking techniques (ELECTRE-like, POROMETHEY-like, etc.)
6. TOPSIS-like methods
(i.e., proximity/similarity to "ideal point")
7. Mathematical theory of choice
8. Knowledge bases
9. Neural networks
10. Expert judgment
11. Hybrid techniques
12. Composite methods (e.g., modular strategies, multistage/dynamical approaches, Hierarchical Multicriteria Morphological Design HMMD approach for synthesis of a composite alternative)
Intl. Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making
Decision Sciences Inst.
Journal of Multi-Criteria Analysis (Wiley)
Operations Research
Eur. Journal of Operational Research (Elsevier)
Journal of the Operational Research Society
Decision Support Systems (Elsevier)
Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier)
Computers and Operations Research (Elsevier)
Knowledge-Based Systems
Int. J. of Information Technology and Decision Making
Decision Sciences
Handbooks, Encyclopedia
1. Saul Gass, Michael Fu (eds),
Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Sciences.
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2. C. Zopounidis, P.M. Pardalos (Eds.),
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Springer, 2009.
3. Frada Burstein, Clyde Holsapple (Eds.),
Handbook on Decision Support Systems 1: Basic Themes.
Springer, 2008.
4. Frada Burstein, Clyde Holsapple (Eds.),
Handbook on Decision Support Systems 2:
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5. Frederic Adam, Patrick Humphreys (eds),
Encyclopedia of Decision Making
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Information Science Reference/
IGI Publishing, 2008.
6. Michael W. Kattan (ed),
Encyclopedia of Medical Decision Making.
Sage Publications, 2009.
7. Goty Gonzalez (ed),
Encyclopedia of Decison Sciences.
Sage Publications, 2016. (under preparation)
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Bibliographic Surveys
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PhD Theses
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