Main Problems/Approaches
1. Problem Formulation (selection/design/modification of mathematical model that corresponds to applied problem/situation)
2. Basic Problem Structuring in Decision Making:
description of a decision problem as
"alternatives - criteria - scales for evaluation"
(for basic decision making problems as ranking/selection; H. Simon)
3. Structuring a complex application as a framework of
problems/mathematical models and decision situations.
4. Structuring procecedures based on libraries of typical applied problems /
mathematical models.
Structuring in Decision Making
Web-HIPPE Global Decision Support (Helsinki Univ. of Technology, Finland)
Decision Explorer
Operations Research
Computers and Operations Research
Europear Journal of Operational Research
J. of the Operations Research Society
Decision Support Systems
IEEE Trans. on Computers
IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, Cybernetics
Systems Research and Behavioral Science
Systemic Practice and Action Research
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Group Decision and Negotiation
Advances in Engineering Software
Int. J. of Technology, Policy and Management
Informatica (Lith.)
Computer-Aided Design
Int. J. of Computer Application in Tehcnology
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Creativity in problem solving and planning: a review,
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Model and algorithm for computer-aided inventive problem analysis.
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4. P. Keys, On becoming expert on the use of problem structuring methods.
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5. P. Keys, Developing a design science for the use of problem structuring methods.
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A framework for OTSM-TRIZ based computer support to be used in complex problem management.
Int. J. of Computer Application in Technology, 30, 88-104, 2007.
8. M.Sh. Levin,
Towards k-set frameworks in multicriteria combinatorial optimization.
In: K.J. Engemann, G.E. Lasker (Eds.),
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9. M.Sh. Levin, K-Set frameworks in multicriteria combinatorial optimization.
Int. J. of Technology, Policy and Management, 11(1), 85-95, 2011.
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10. M.Sh. Levin, Four-layer framework
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Advances in Engineering Software, 42(12), 1089-1098, 2011
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Understanding and facilitating group problem structuring and formulation:
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16. E.A.J.A. Rouwette, J.A.M. Vennix, A.J.A. Felling,
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Electronic Preprints
1. M.Sh. Levin,
Multiset estimates and combinatorial synthesis.
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Note on combinatorial engineering frameworks
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PhD Dissertations
1. R. Horowitz,
Creative problem solving in engineering design.
PhD Thesis, Faculty of Engineerinjg, Tel-Aviv University, 1999.
2. V. Souchkov,
Knowledge-based Support for Innovative Design.
PhD Thesis,
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