Published Articles/Abstracts
1. M.Sh. Levin, A,V. Safonov, Heuristic for multicriteria multiple choice
AI and DM, Issue 4, pp. 53-64, 2009 (in Russian)
(journal site)
2. A.V. Safonov, M.Sh. Levin,
Multicriteria Design/Upgrade of Communication Network
(Multicriteria Multiple Choice Problem).
Abstracts of Intl. Conf. on Control Problems,
Inst. for Control Problems, Russian Acadmey of Sciences,
Moscow, Russia, vol. 2, p. 146, June 2006.
(the talk was given by A.V. Safonov)
3. D.R. Lisin, M.Sh. Levin,
Probing Problem in Communication Network:
Selection of Test Nodes and Messages.
Abstracts of Intl. Conf. on Control Problems,
Inst. for Control Problems,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia,
vol. 2, p. 149, June 2006.
(without talk)
4. D.Yu. Omelchenko, M.Sh. Levin,
Hierarchical Morphological Model of Communication System.
Abstracts of Intl. Conf. on Control Problems,
Inst. for Control Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, Russia, vol. 2, p. 150, June 2006.
(without talk)
5. V.E. Raytsev, M.Sh. Levin,
Analysis and Choice of Software Packages for DocumentFlow.
Absracts of Intl. Conf. on Control Problems,
Inst. for Control Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, Russia, vol. 2, p. 78, June 2006
(in Russian), (without talk)
6. A.V. Safonov, M.Sh. Levin,
Redesign of Configuration for Communication Network Facilities.
6th Int. Conf. CAD/CAM/PDM-2006,
Inst. of Control Problems,
Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, Oct. 24-26, 179-183, 2006 (in Russian)
(the talk was given by A.V. Safonov)
7. A.V. Safonov, M.Sh. Levin,
Towards Compositional Design of Configuration
for Facility in Communication Network.
49th Conf. of Moscow Inst. of Physics and Technology, 21-22,
Nov. 2006 (in Russian).
(the talk was given by A.V. Savonov)
8. M.Sh. Levin, A.V. Safonov,
Design and Resign of Configuration for Facility in Communication Network.
Information Technologiers and Computer Systems
(Russian Academy of Sciences),
Issue 4, 63-73, 2006 (in Russian).
(journal site)
9. M.Sh. Levin, R.O. Vishnitskiy,
Towards Morphological Design of GSM Network.
Electronic Scientific Journal "Information Processes",
(Russian Academy of Sciences: Inst. of Applied Mathematics,
Inst. for Information Transmisison Problems),
7(2), 183-190, 2007.
10. M.Sh. Levin, I.A. Khodakovsky,
Composition of Structure for Telemetric System.
Electronic Scientific Journal "Information Processes",
(Russian Academy of Sciences: Inst. of Applied Mathematics,
Inst. for Information Transmission Problems),
7(2), 191-198, 2007 (in Russian)
English version:
M.Sh Levin, I.A. Khodakovskii,
Structural Composition of the Telemetry System.
Automation and Remote Control, 68(9), 1654-1661, 2007.
11. M.Sh. Levin, A.V. Korenyushkin,
Hierarchical morphological design of decision making strategy.
In. conf. on system analysis and information technology SAIT-2007,
Sept. 2007 (in Russian)
12. M.Sh. Levin, A.V. Leus,
Modular design of integrated security system.
Inst. for Information Transmission Problems,
Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, Vol. 2, 16-22, Sept. 2007 (in Russian)
(the talk was given by A.V. Leus)
13. M.Sh. Levin, A.V. Fimin,
Hierarchical desing of fire alarm wireless sensor element.
Proc. 7th Int. Conf. CAD/CAM/PDM-2007, Inst. of Control Problems,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Oct. 2007, pp. 33-35
14. M.Sh. Levin, V.A. Ryabov,
Morphological tree model for communication protocol (example).
Proc. 7th Int. Conf. CAD/CAM/PDM-2007, Inst. of Control Problems,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Oct. 2007, pp. 36-39.
15. Levin M.Sh., A.O. Merzlyakov,
Composite combinatorial scheme of test planning
(example for microprocessor systems)
IEEE Region 8 Int. Conf. "Sibircon-2008", Novosibirsk, pp. 291-295, 2008.
16. Levin M.Sh., Leus A.V.,
Configuration of integrated security system.
7th IEEE Int. Conf. on Industrial Informatics INDIN 2009,
Cardiff, UK,
pp. 101-105, 2009.
17. Levin M.Sh., Nuriakhmetov R.I.,
Multicriteria Steiner tree problem
for communication network.
Electronic Scientific Journal "Information Processes",
vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 199-209, 2009.
Levin M.Sh., Nuriakhmetov R.I.,
Multicriteria Steiner tree problem
for communication network.
Electronic preprint. [cs.DS], 11 pp., Febr. 12, 2011
18. Levin M.Sh., Sharov S.Yu.,
Hierarchical morphological design of Web-hosting system.
Int. Journal of Integrated Design & Process Science,
13(1), 1-14,
(journal issue site)
19.Levin M.Sh., Fimin A.V.,
Combinatorial scheme for analysis of political candidates
and their strategies.
Electronic Scientific Journal "Information Processes"
(Russian Academy of Sciences: Inst. of Applied Mathematics,
Inst. for Information Transmisson Problems)
9(2), 83-92, 2009 (in Russian)
20. Levin M.Sh., Nuriakhmetov R.I.,
Towards multicriteria Steiner tree for communication network.
3rd Int. Conf. on System Analysis and Information Technologies
Inst. for System Analysis,
Zvenigorod/Moscow, Russia,
pp. 304-312, 2009 (in Russian)
(the talk was given by R.I. Nuriakhmetov)
21. Levin M.Sh., Petukhov M.V.,
Connection of users and telecommunication network
(multicriteria assignment problem).
Electronic Scientific Journal "Information Processes",
(Russian Acad. of Sci.: Inst. of Applied Mathematics,
Inst. for Information Transmission Problems)
9(4), 332-342, 2009 (in Russian)
English version:
Levin M.Sh., Petukhov M.V.,
Connection of users with a telecommunications network:
multicriteria assignment problem.
J. of Communications Technology and Electronics,
vol. 55, no. 12, pp. 1532-1541, 2010. (Journal 2010'IF=0.339)
(journal site)
22. Levin M.Sh., Petukhov M.V.,
Multicriteria assignment problem
(selection of access points).
Proc. of 23rd Int. Conf. IEA/AIE 2010,
"Trends in Applied Intelligent Systems",
LNAI 6097, part II,
Springer, pp. 277-287, 2010.
23. Safonov A.V., Levin M.Sh.,
New heuristic algorihtm for multicriteria multiple choice knapsack problem.
Proc. of ECCO XXIII - CO 2010, Spain, P. 47, May 2010.
24. Levin M.Sh., Safonov A.V.,
Towards improvement of regional telecommunication network.
Electronic Scientific Journal "Information Processes",
vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 212-223, 2010 (in Russian).
25. Levin M.Sh., Fimin A.V., Configuration of alarm wireless sensor element.
2nd Int. Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications
and Control Systems and Workshops
ICUMT-2010, Moscow, 924-928, 2010.
26. Levin M.Sh., Safonov A.V.,
Towards modular redesign of networked system.
2nd Int. Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications
and Control Systems and Workshops
ICUMT-2010, Moscow, 109-114, 2010.
27. Levin M.Sh., Zamkovoy A.A.,
Multicriteria Steiner tree with cost of vertices.
Proc. of X Int. Conf. CAD/CAM/PDM-2010, Moscow,
Inst. of Control Problems (Russian Acad. of Sci.),
52-57, 2010 (in Russian)
(conference site with papers)
(htm.file from conf. site)
28. Levin M.Sh., Zamkovoy A.A.,
Multicriteria Steiner tree with cost of Steiner vertices.
Electronic Scientific Journal "Information Processes",
vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 140-160, 2011 (in Russian).
English version:
Levin M.Sh., Zamkovoy A.A.,
Multicriteria Steiner tree with cost of Steiner vertices.
Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics,
vol. 56, no. 12, 1527-1542, 2011
(Journal 2010'IF=0.339).
(journal site)
29. Levin M.Sh., Safonov A.V.,
Improvement of regional telecommunications networks.
Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics,
vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 770-778, 2011.
(Journal 2010'IF=0.339)
(journal site)
30. Levin M.Sh., Fimin A.V.
Design of modular wireless sensor.
Electronic preprint. 7 pp., March 9, 2012. [cs.SE]
Table of Interrelation between Students Papers and Laboratory Works
Papers Under Preparation / Submission
S2. M.Sh. Levin, A.I. Kruglov,
Hierarchical design of management system
for business processes in communication network.
(in Russian)
S3. Levin M.Sh., Grigorov R.D.,
Towards Structure of Information Server (a conf.).