Febr. 2008 ... June 2008 (Spring 2008)
INFORMATION: June 11, 2008
1. Georgy A. Roppelt (group 419; 12/13), lab. works:
1, 2, 3, 4,
5(excellent applied example for notebooks),
6(excellent applied example for lunch),
7, 9, 8&
10(excellent applied example for personnel management:
selection and allocation),
11&12(TSP: greedy algorithm, genetic algorithm, partial backtracking algorithm)
2. Alexey V. Volodskyh (group 413; 8/10), lab. works:
1(hierarchical design of notebook),
2(good applied example for mobile telephone), 3, 4,
5(modified algorithm is absent: to discuss),
6, 7(excellent example for hierarchical evaluation of apartment),
8(good applied example for microprocessors),
9, 10, 11&12(TSP: greedy algorithm, cross-entropy method)
Valeriy I. Bykov
(group 413; 12/14), lab. works:
1(hierarchical analysis and composition of Internet site system),
2, 3, 4, 5(excellent applied educational/academic example: clustering of university departments), 6(good applied example for food),
7, 8(good educational example), 9, 10, 11&12(TSP: greedy algorithm,
Ant colony algorithm, bitonic tours algorithm, Branch-And-Bound algorithm)
4. Michael G. Belyaev (group 413; 7/8), lab. works:
2(good example), 3, 4,
5(very good applied example for sport organization problem),
6(very good applied example for organization of student's accomodation),
7(very good applied example: selection of student candidates),
9(very good applied sport example: allocation of sportsmen),
8&10(excellent applied example for planning of turist groups/routes),
greedy algorithm, genetic algorithm, partial backtracking algorithm;
numerical example for MIPT-area)
5. Badma M. Bovaev (group 413; 1/1), lab. works:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5(good report),
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12(algorithms for QAP)
6. Ilya V. Churkin (group 413; 1/2), lab. works:
1(hierarchical planning of trip),
2, 3, 4, 5, 6(excellent applied example for design of kitchen tools), 7, 9(selection of Russian cities for company's departments),
11&12(TSP: greedy algorithm, space-filling curve method)
7. Sergey N. Gook (group 413; 9/9), lab. works:
1(hierarchical design of digital camera),
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8(excellent applied problem: microcontrollers for product line;
to prepare an article),
9, 10(good example),
11&12(greedy algorithm, genetic algorithm, partial backtracking algorithm)
8. Yakov M. Karandashev (group 413; 12/12), lab. works:
1&7(hierarchical combining a modular thesis & hierarchical evaluation of a modular thesis),
3(excellent applied example for Russian mutual investment funds;
material for a paper), 4(excellent sport example),
5(good example: clustering a set of cars), 6, 8&10, 9,
11&12(TSP: greedy algorithm, non-greedy heuristic, comparison)
9. Sergey Kostisin (group 413; 0/0), lab. works:
1(hierarchical design of football clube strategy development),
2(Monchenko is the author of programs),
3(Monchenko is the author of program),
4(Monchenko is the author of program),
5(Monchenko is the author of program),
6(Monchenko is the author of program),
7(Monchenko is the author of program),
9(Monchenko is the author of program),
11(Monchenko is the author of program),
12(good applied example for analysis of methods of air-targets detection)
10. Yuri V. Krivosheev (group 413; 5/4), lab. works:
1(hierarchical design of car),
2, 3, 4, 5(only the basic case), 6, 7, 9,
8&10(excellent example for musical school), 11&12(TSP: three algorithms)
11. Irina A. Krovushkina (group 413; 3/3), lab. works:
1(interesting example: hierarchical design of a musical),
2(excellent applied example), 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8(interesting example for food), 9, 11,
12(genetic algorithm: map algorithm in routing problem)
12. Alexey D. Kuryshev (group 413; 11/13), lab. works (good reports):
1(joint work with Arutunyan: hierarchical design of connection to Internet through mobile phone; very good applied example, method is not understandable),
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8(very good applied example for components of StarterKid),
9, 10, 11, 12(genetic algorithm)
13. Sergey V. Monchenko (group 413; 7/8), lab. works:
1(hierarchical design of football club development strategy),
2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, 9(good example), 10, 11,
12(detection of air-targets as asignment problem:
"detection methods, types of targets")
14. Tuan Anj Nguen (group 413; 15/14), lab. works: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8(good applied example for photo-camera), 9, 10, 11,
12(minimization of binary functional; three algorithms)
15. Nikolay V. Antipushin (group 414; 3/4), lab. works:
1(hierarchical planning of trip),
2, 3, 4,
5(very good applied example for electronic devices,
modification of herarchical clustering algorithm is absent, to discuss), 6,
8&10(excellent applied example for Web engineering, to prepare a paper),
9(excellent applied example: allocation of advertising blocks on Web page), 11(excellent example for Polar expedition),
12(multicriteria allocation problem)
16. Yuri A. Hmelenko (group 414; 8/6), lab. works:
1(excellent applied example: hierarchical design of Web-based system),
2(Lukin is the author of programs), 3, 4,
5(excellent applied example: clustering a set of antennas), 6, 7,
8(good applied example for antennas), 9, 10, 11,
12(genetic algorithm)
17. Boris V. Korchoymkin (group 414; 2/1), lab. works:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6(design of kitchen devices), 7,
8(selection of places for company's departments), 9(allocation of servers to workstations),
11(TSP: greedy algorithm, space-filling curve method),
12(Ant Colony Algorithm for routing in wireless mobile networks)
18. Alexey K. Layko (group 414; 13/13), lab. works:
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11(excellent applied logistic example for Moscow),
12(cross-entropy method for TSP)
19. Ilya V. Maslov (group 414; 2/2), lab. works:
1(hierarchical design of car),
2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8(example for digital cameras),
10(applied example for professional football software), 11&12(TSP: greedy algorithm, genetic algorithm)
20. Maxim V. Popov (group 414; 0/4), lab. works:
1(example for corporative system), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12(cross entropy method for TSP)
21. Vladimir V. Povolotsky (group 414; 1/1), lab. works:
2(Kovalev is the author of Electre-program),
3(multicriteria case is absent), 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12(new algorithm to combine three-dimensional tag & program)
Sergey A. Semenov
(group 414; 14/14), lab. works:
2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7,
8(very good educational example), 9, 10, 11,
12(excellent research and applied material: a new game targeted to routing)
23. Sergey D. Toporkov (group 414; 8/9), lab. works:
2, 3, 4,
5(excellent applied example for players in NHL),
6(multicriteria model is absent), 7,
8&10(good example for set of CPU),
9(good sport example: allocation of sportsmen),
12(cross-entropy method for TSP; very good example for turist route in Germany)
24. Paul A. Anokhin (group 419; 0/0), lab. works:
1/2(good example: hierarchical design of a building),
3(example for food),
4(good example), 5&8&10(good applied example),
7(very good educational example),
9(very good applied example: personnel allocation in IT company),
11&12(TST: greedy algorihtm, Ant colony optimization)
25. Yuri A. Arutunyan (group 419; 8/7), lab. works (good reports):
1(joint work with Kuryshev:
hierarchcial design of connection to Internet through mobile phone;
very good applied example, method is not understandable),
2, 3, 4, 5(modification of algorithm is absent),
6(multicriteria modification of algorithm is absent),
7, 8, 9, 10(good example), 11, 12(cross entropy method for TSP)
26. Kirill A. Astrahanj (group 419; 1/3),
1&2(hierarchical design of house; method is not understandable),
3&6(example for logistics), 4,
5&8&10(good applied example for houses;
modified clustering algorithm is absent,
composite solving schemes for labs. 8 and 10 are absent),
7(very good educational example),
11&12(TSP: greedy algorithm, Ant colony algorithm)
27. Natalia A. Lyubovina (group 419; 5/5), lab. works:
28. Ilya M. Onkin (group 419; 1/1), lab. works:
1(hierarchical design of modular software environment),
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8(interesting applied example for football team), 9, 10, 11(good report),
12(excellent: multicriteria modification of TSP, to prepare a paper)