Societies, Organizations, Libraries
International Council on Systems Engineering INCOSE
Control Engineering Virtual Library (Univ. of Cambridge, UK)
Virtual Library for Process Systems Engineering
Virtual Library for Chemical and Process Engineering
(Univ. of Florida, Dept. of Chemical Engineering)
Systems Engineering Advanced Research Initiative (MIT)
1. Systems Engineering
2. Process Systems Engineering
3. Systems of systems
4. Global Optimization
5. Multidisciplinary Optimization (MDO)
6. Risk Management
7. Safety Engineering
8. System testing
9. Systems maintenance
10. Requirements Engineering
Systems Engineering (Wiley)
Global Optimization (Springer)
Computers & Chemical Engineering (Elsevier)
AIChE Journal
IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A
IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B
IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C
IEEE Systems Journal
Proc. of the IEEE
Int. Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science (IOS Press)
Advances in Systems Science and Applications
J. of Systems Science and Systems Engineering (Springer, China)
Int. J. of Systems Science (Taylor & Francis)
J. of Systems Engineering and Electronics (Elsevier, China)
Systems Engineering Procedia (Elsevier)
Basic Applications
1. Aerospace engineering
2. Mechanical engineering
3. Chemical engineering
4. Manufacturing engineering
5. Civil engineering
6. Computer systems
7. Software engineering
8. Information systems engineering
9. Communication systems engineering
10. Socio-economical systems
11. Environmenatal/ecological systems
12. Military / defense systems
13. Engineering education
Research Centers & Groups
Center for Process Systems Engineering, Georgia Inst. of Technology
Process Systems Engineering
(The Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champain)
Imperial College London -
Center for Process Systems Engineering (UK)
Process Systems Engineering, RWTH Aahen University (Germany)
Process Systems Engineering, Univ. of Porto (Portugal)
UC at Davis Process Systems Engineering
UCLA Process Systems Engineering
Bahill's Systems Engineering Site (Prof. A. Terry Bahill, Univ. of Arizona)
Dept. of Systems Engineering Design (Univ. of Waterloo, Canada)
Graduate School of System Design and Management
(Japan's Keio Univ., Tokyo)
Singapore University of Technology and Design SUTD
(open doors: Apr. 2012)
C.A. Floudas (Computer-Aided Systems Lab., Princeton Univ.)
Panos M. Pardalos (Center for Applied Optimization, Univ. of Florida)
Center for Risk Management (Prof. Yacov Y. Haimes)
Center for Advanced Process Decision-Making
(Prof. Ignacio Grossmann, CMU)
Gordon Center for Systems Engineering
(Technion, Israel)
Lab. for Information and Decision Systems
(system modeling, analysis, design, and optimization)
Projects and Programs
Computational Models and Algorithms for Enterprise-Wide Optimization
of Process Industries
Systems Integration for Manufacturing Applications
(SIMA) Program (NIST)
1. N.M. Alexandrov, and M.Y. Hussaini, (Eds.),
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization: State of the Art
(Proceedigns in Applied Mathematics Series; No. 80), SIAM, 1997.
2. G.S. Altshuller, Creativity as Exact Science.
The Theory of the Solution of Inventive Problems.
London: Gordon and Breach Science Publisher, 1984.
3. Benjamin S. Blanchard,
Systems Engineering Management.
Wiley, 4 ed., 2008.
4. Benjamin S. Blanchard, Wolter J. Fabricky,
Systems Engineering and Analysis. 5 ed.,
Prentice Hall, 2010.
5. G. Booch, Object Oriented Development.
Redwood City, California:
The Benjamin / Cummings Publishing Company, 1991.
6. Dennis M. Buede,
The Engineering Design of Systems: Models and Methods.
2nd ed., New York, Wiley, 2009.
7. Ch.A. Floudas,
Nonlinear and Mixed-Integer Optimization:
Fundamentals and Applications (Topics in Chemical Engineering).
New York: Oxford University Press, 1995.
8. Ch.A. Floudas, Deterministic Global Optimization.
Boston: Kluwer, 1999.
9. Ch.A. Floudas, and P. Pardalos, (Eds.),
State of the Art in Global Optimization: Computational Methods and
Applications. Boston: Kluwer, 1996.
10. Y.Y. Haimes, (Ed.)
Large Scale Systems. North Holland, Amsterdam, 1982.
11. Y.Y. Haimes, K. Tarvainen, T. Shima, J. Thadathil,
Hierarchical Multiobjective Analysis of Large-Scale Systems.
HPC, New York,
12. Mohammad Jamshidi, (Ed.)
System of Systems Engineering:
Innovations for the Twenty-First Century.
Wiley, 2008.
13. Joy Jenney,
Modern Methods of Systems Engineering:
With and Introduction to Pattern and Model Based Methods.
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2011.
14. Alexander Kossiakoff, William N. Sweet,
Sam Seymour, Steven M. Biemer,
Systems Engineering Principles and Practice. 2nd ed.,
Wiley, 2011.
15. A. Kusiak,
Engineering Design: Products, Processes, and Systems.
New York: Academic Press, 1999.
16. M.Sh. Levin, Combinatorial Engineering of Decomposable Systems,
Kluwer (now: Springer), 1998.
Springer book site
Book page in Amazon
17. M.Sh. Levin, Composite Systems Decisions.
Springer, 2006.
Springer book site
Book page in Amazon
18. M.Sh. Levin,
Decision Support Technology for Modular Systems.
Electronic book. 341 pp. (in Russian). 2013.
Book (pdf-file)
19. M.Sh. Levin, Modular System Design and Evaluation.
Springer, 473 p., 2015 (Due: Sep. 2014)).
ISBN 978-3-319-09875-3
Springer book site
Book page in Amazon
20. Mark W. Maier, Eberhardt Rechtin,
The Art of Systems Architecting. 3rd ed.,
CRC Press, 2009.
21. James N. Martin, Systems Engineering Guidebook:
A Process for Developing Systems and Products. CRC Press,
22. Donella H. Meadows,
Thinking in Systems: A Primer.
Chelsea Green Publishing, 2008.
23. Andrew P. Sage, James E. Amstrong, Jr.,
Introduction in Systems Engineering.
Wiley, New York, 2000.
24. A.P. Sage, W.B. Rouse,
Handbook on Systems Engineering and Management. 2nd ed.,
Wiley, New York, 2009.
25. A.P. Sage (Ed.) Systems Engineering: Methodology and
Applications. IEEE Press, 1977.
26. D. Sahal, Patterns of Technological Innovations.
Mass.: Adisson-Wesley, Readings, 1981.
27. M. Shaw, D. Garlan,
Software Archicture: Perspectives on an Emerging Disicpline.
New York: Prentice hall, 1996.
28. Ian Sommerville,
Software Engineeirng. 9th ed.,
Addison-Wesley, 2010.
29. Richard Stevens, Peter Brook, Ken Jackson, Stuart Arnold,
Systems Engineering. Prentice Hall, 1998.
30. Systems Engineering Fundamentals. United States Government,
US Army, 2013.
31. Oliver L. de Weck, Daniel Roos, Christopher L. Magee,
Charles M. Vest, Engineering Systems:
Meeting Human Needs in a Complex Technological World.
Boston, The MIT Press, 2011.
32. E. Yourdan,
Techniques of Program Structure and Design.
NJ: Prentice-Hall, Englewoods Cliffs, 1975.
33. F. Zwicky,
Discovery Invention, Research Through the Morphological Approach.
New York: McMillan, 1969.
Basic Papers
1. I.E. Grossmann,
Mixed-Integer Non-Linear Programming Techniques for the Synthesis
of Engineering Systems.
Research in Engineering Design,
1(2/3), pp. 205-228, 1990.
2. C.C. Huang, and A. Kusiak,
Modularity in Design of Products and Systems.
Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A,
28(1), 66-77, 1998.
3. P.S. Krasnoshekov, V.V. Morozov, and V.V. Fedorov,
Decomposition in Design Problems.
Engineering Cybernetics, No. 2, pp. 7-17, 1979 (in Russian).
4. A.P. Sage, Systems Engineering Education.
IEEE Trans. on SMC, Part C, 30(2), 164-174, 2000.
5. I.M. Sobol,
An Efficient Approach to Multicriteria Optimum Design Problems.
Surveys on Mathematics in Industry, Vol. 1, pp. 259-281, 1992.
6. E.A. Sykes and C.C. White, III,
Multiobjective Intelligent Computer-Aided Design.
IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics,
Vol. 21,No. 6, pp. 1498-1511, 1989.
PhD Theses
1. Y. Fang, Stability Analysis of Linear Control Systems with Uncertain Parameters.
PhD Thesis,
Dept. of Systems, Control and Industrial Engineering,
Case Western Reserve University, Jan. 1994.