CURRICULUM VITAE of Dr. Mark Sh. Levin
Inst. for Information Transmission Problems
Russian Academy of Sciences
19 Bolshoj Karetny lane, Moscow 127994, Russia
Mobile Phone: 007-916-704 64 51
Email: mslevin [AT];
Private mail address: P.O.Box 102, Moscow 117208, Russia
BORN: Moscow, Russia, June 3, 1948
CITIZENSHIP: Russian, Israeli
LANGUAGES: Russian, English, Hebrew
1982 PhD, System Analysis (Engineering/CS),
Russian Academy of Sciences,
PhD Thesis:
"Combinatorial Optimization Problems of Facilities
Scheduling/Assignment in Computer Systems";
Academic advisor: Prof. David. B. Yudin
1982 Fulkerson Prize)
Lomonosov Moscow State Univ.);
1977...1981 PhD program,
Lomonosov Moscow State Univ.
(Dept. of Mathematical Methods, Faculty of Economics)
Mathematics & Computers in Management
1975 MS
Lomonosov Moscow State Univ.
(Dept. of Discrete Math.,
Faculty of Mechanics & Mathematics "Mehmat"),
1970 MS
Moscow Technical Univ. of Communications and Informatics
(Dept. of Radio Engineering Systems,
Faculty of Radio Engineering),
Radio Engineering,
MS Thesis "Multi-variant Design of Prospective Satellite-based Telemetry System: Receiver and Radio Channel",
Academic advisor:
Prof. Yuri S. Shinakov
May 2004...present Leading (Senior) Research Scientist,
Inst. for Information Transmission Problems,
Russian Academy of Sciences
(infocommunication systems, networking, system design,
system configuration,
engineering & CS education, etc.)
Research & design directions:
(i) new course "System design (structural approach)",
(faculty course in
Moscow Inst. of Physics & Technology - State Univiversity,
Faculty of Radio Engineering & Cybernetics, 2004...2008),
(ii) systems engineering, muticriteria decision making, and
combinatorial modeling in information-communication systems
(design, management, maintenance, etc.)
Publications (since 2005):
two monographs (Springer: 2006, 2015),
32 journal articles (including 12 articles with students),
29 refereed Int. Conf. papers (including 12 papers with students)
(over 40 articles/papers correspond to List of "VAK" -
Higher Attestation Commission of Russia;
15 journal articles correspond to WoS)
Oct. 2000...March 2004 Senior Researcher / Researcher,
Ben-Gurion University , Israel,
(information processing,
multi-function system testing)
Research & design directions:
(i) software for data processing
(physical experiments of turbulent movement),
(ii) combinatorial evolution of multimedia standard,
(iii) combinatorial approach for multi-function system testing
Oct. 1998...June 2000 Research Scientist, The Research Inst.,
College of J&S (now: Ariel Univ.) , Israel
(systems engineering, combinatorial engineering, engineering education)
Research & design directions:
(i) new course "Introduction in systems engineering",
(ii) hierarchical system design and its applications
(e.g., software engineering, manufacturing,
civil engineering, biotechnology)
Sept. 1997...May 1998 Visiting Scholar,
Univ. of Ottawa and
Univ. of Toronto,
Canada (algorithms)
Research directions:
(i) combinatorial algorthims,
(ii) k-exchange techniques for optimization over permutations
July 1995...Apr. 1996 Visiting Researcher (Status of Professor),
Univ. of Aizu,
Japan (system design)
Research direction:
combinatorial system design
1993...1995,1997 Independent Researcher (Moscow, Russia)
(decision making, combinatorial engineering)
Research & design directions:
(i) new course "Introduction in information technology",
(ii) new short course "Introduction in multicriteria decision making",
(iii) multicriteria decision making in hydrogeology,
(iv) hierarchical morphological design and applications
July 1991...Oct. 1992 Author of Project / Researcher,
Ofakim Center of Technology
(now: Ofakim Hi-tech Ventures, a subsidiary of Capital Point),
Israel (DSS for design)
Design direction:
DSS for hierarchical design
March 1989...Sept. 1990 Leading Research Scientist,
Inst. of Computer-Aided Design,
Russian Academy of Sciences
(decision making, system design)
Research & design directions:
(i) multicriteria decision making in CAD,
(ii) multicriteria ecological evaluation of 300 manufacturing systems
in Moscow,
(iii) hierarchical hypertext systems (as in ontological approach),
(iv) multicriteria combinatorial optimization in communication network
design and management,
(v) DSS COMBI-PC for modular multicriteria ranking,
(vi) combinatorial modeling in multicriteria decision making technology
July 1983...March 1989 Senior Research Scientist,
Research Inst. for Normalization in Machine-Building (Moscow, VNIINMASH)
(quality management, system analysis)
Research & design directions:
(i) system analysis, systems engineering,
multicriteria decision making, combinatorial optimzation
in quality analysis and management,
(ii) combinatorial modeling in multicriteria decision making,
(iii) DSS COMBI (two versions) for modular multicriteria ranking
(as multi-agent algorithm system),
(iv) hierarchical hypertext system
(software, application in quality management)
Aug. 1980...July 1983 Senior Engineer,
Computer Center (Moscow, "MOSPROEKT-1")
(management in house-building:
modular design, scheduling)
Research & design directions:
(i) combinatorial morphological evaluation of
new house-building system in Moscow "KOPE",
(ii) design and implementation
(approach, models, algorithms, software)
of two-year planning system
(balancing between manufacturing and housebuilding as assembly)
for house-building system in Moscow "KOPE" (Mosproekt, DSK-2),
(iii) combinatorial optimization
May 1977...July 1980 Head of Laboratory (16...22 specialists),
Organization for Computer Systems
in Geology (Moscow, Russia)
(design/implementation of
software / information / decision making systems)
Research & design directions:
(i) design, implementation, maintenance of new DBMS,
(ii) design, implementation, maintenance of
new system for two-year optimization planning of drilling,
(iii) combinatorial optimization (scheduling, call problem, etc.)
Jan. 1974...May 1977 Senior Engineer,
Central Research Inst. for Economics, Information and Management
Systems (Moscow)
(DBMS : design and implementation)
Research & design directions:
(i) design and implementation of DBMS,
(ii) combinatorial algorthms for scheduling,
(iii) teaching of software development and mathematics
Aug. 1970...Dec. 1973 Engineer,
Research Inst. for Electro-mechanics (NIEMI, Moscow);
(system design, system simulation, algorithms, software
Research & design directions:
system analysis/design, information fusion, system simulation, planning of system testing.
R & D INTERESTS (1983...2015):
* combinatorial and systems engineering;
* combinatorial optimization (knapsack, scheduling,
clique, assignment/allocation,
TSP, Steiner tree, etc.);
* system design, configuration design;
* multicriteria decision making;
* decision making engineering;
* algorithms, procedures, algorithm systems;
* models of proximity for structures;
* application in design, planning, and management;
* multi-function system testing;
* design of network systems;
* integrated education in engineering, CS, applied mathematics, management.
(a) National Inst. for Systems Test and Productivity 'NISTP'
(Univ. of South Florida)
the USA Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command
grant No. N00039-01-1-2248
Mark Last,
Dept. of Information Systems Engineering,
Ben-Gurion University, Israel; Aug. 2003...March 2004):
"Combinatorial Approach to Multi-Function Systems Testing";
(b) European Union "Measurement and Aggregation of Preferences"
(INTAS 96-0106, participation);
(c) Fukushima Prefecture (Japan, 1995): system design;
(d) Israeli Ministry of Trade and Industry (1992):
DSS for Engineering Design;
(e) State Committee of Science and Technology (USSR, 1990):
Consultant Systems (Hypertexts)
TRAVEL GRANTS (participation in Intl. Confs.):
(1) Russian Academy of Sciences
(MCDM-2006, Greece, June 2006);
(2) Russian Academy of Sciences
(IMACS-2005, Paris, France, July 2005);
(3) Russian Academy of Sciences
(DCCN-2005, Sofia, Bulgaria, April 2005);
(4) INTAS 96-0106 (Int. Meeting of the Society for
Social Choice and Welfare,
Spain, July 2000):
(5) Ariel College
(USA, Int. Conf. on Systems Engineering, Las Vegas, Aug. 1999);
(6) European Community / IFIP (Norway, INTERACT'95, July 1995);
(7) American-Israel Economical Corp. (Econ. Conf., New York, 1991);
(8) Johns Hopkins Univ.
(USA, Fairfax, Intl. Conf. on MCDM - MCDM'1990, July...Aug. 1990);
(9) Inst. of Computer-Aided Design, Russian Academy of Sciences
(Conf. on Information Systems: Library Sciences,
Vilnius, Lithuania, 1989)
2004... 2012
Moscow Inst. of Physics & Technology (State Univ.),
Faculty of Radio Engineering & Cybernetics, advising of BS and MS students
(& informal research collaboration)
2004... 2008
Moscow Inst. of Physics & Technology (State Univ.),
Faculty of Radio Engineering & Cybernetics (faculty course),
(new course "Design of systems: structural approach",
since Sept. 2004)
College of J&S (now: Ariel Univ. Center) ,
Dept. of Ind. Eng. and Manag.
(new course "Introduction in systems engineering")
1995...1996, Academy for Economy of Russia Government
(decison making technology, three one-day courses)
1995, Inst. for Economics, Politics, and Low (Moscow)
(inform. technology, lectures/seminars)
1992, Technion (Israel), external examiner for MS Thesis
1987...1989, Inst. for Normalization (Moscow, VIINMASH)
(member of Committee for
evaluation of PhD students)
1980...1982, and 1985...1986 Moscow Techn. Univ. for Civil Engineering
(mathematics, computing, lectures and seminars)
1982...1983, Moscow Inst. for Food Industry
(management, advising MS students)
* Moscow Inst. of Physics and Technology (State Univ.):
'Multicriteria Steiner problem with cost of Steiner nodes' (2012),
'Towards multicriteria Steiner tree for communication network' (2010),
'Design of distributed computer system and task planning on the basis of multicriteria combinatorial optimization', (2010),
'Multicriteria combinatorial approach to design and redesign of communication network' (2008).
* Moscow Power-Engineering Inst. (State Univ.),
'Choice of DocumentFlow software on the basis of multicriteria analysis' (2005).
* Moscow (on the basis of Inst. for Electro-mechanics, NIEMI, Moscow),
'System simulation experiments based on discrete event simulation software' (1971).
Possible courses
(lectures, seminars, student projects;
grad. and post-grad. students):
(a) Combinatorial Engineering/Management
(computer scientists, engineers,
applied mathematicians, managers;
new advanced course: senior undergrad & grad students)
(b) Applied Combinatorial Optimization:
problems, models, applications
(applied mathematicians, computer scientists,
engineers, managers; new grad. course)
(c) Information Technology: Analysis, Selection, Integration
(engineers, managers, computer scientists)
(d) Introduction in Systems Engineering/Management
(engineers, managers, computer scientists)
(e) Design of Systems: Structural Approach
(engineers, computer scientists, managers;
new course:
advanced senior undergard, grad, PhD students)
(f) Design of Systems Configurations
(Combinatorial Optimization Approach)
(computer scientists, applied mathematicians, engineers, managers;
new grad course: grad and PhD students)
(a) Journal Reviewer:
Eur. J. of Operational Research (Elsevier),
J. of Multi-Cruteria Decision Analysis (Wiley),
Applied Intelligence (Springer),
IEEE Trans. on Computers, IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics,
IEEE Trans. on Education,
IEEE Trans. on Knowledge&Date Engineering,
IEEE Trans. on SMC-Part A (now: on Systems),
IEEE Trans. on SMC-Part B (now: on Cybernetics),
Computer-Aided Design (Elsevier),
Applied Mathematics and Computation (Elsevier),
Information&Software Technology (Elsevier),
Advances in Engineering Software (Elsevier),
Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier),
Int. J. of Environmental Management (Elsevier),
J. of Internet Services and Applications (Springer),
Engineering Cybernetics (Russian Acad. of Sci.),
Automation and Remote Control (Russian Acad. of Sci./Plenum/Springer),
Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences
(Poznan Univ. of Technol., Poland);
(b) Membership:
ACM (SM'06),
Int. Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE),
ORSIS, Int. Society on MCDM,
European Group on Combinatorial Optimization,
European Group on Metaheuristics;
(c) Proposal Reviewer:
Russian Academy of Sciences (1989),
Springer books editorial office (2010, 2014);
(d) Membership at Program / Steering Committees of Int. Confs.:
Information Technology in Design (Russia, 1996),
Intl. Conf. on Concurrent Engineering (Canada, 1997; USA, 1998),
Intl. Conf. on Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization
(Zurich, 2001),
Intl. Conf. on Digital Telecommunications ICDT
(France, 2012; Italy, 2013; France, 2014, Spain, 2015),
Intl. Conf. IEA-AIE
(The Netherlands, 2013; Taiwan, 2014; South Korea, 2015;
Japan, 2016);
(e) Membership at Journal Boards:
Applied Intelligence (Springer) (Editorial Board).
DESIGNED SYSTEMS (1984...2008, PC):
(a) DSS for multicriteria ranking;
(b) hierarchical hypertext;
(c) DSS for hierarchical design;
(d) processing of image sequences in PIV;
(e) prototype programs for course on system design.
SOFTWARE EXPERIENCE (1984...2011): MatLab, Fortran, Pascal, JAVA, C
Senior Member of ACM (2006)
Senior Member of IEEE (2015)
(3) Medal (No. 1689) of USSR Exhibition of National Economy
Achivement, Dec. 1965
over 100 articles in English:
Applied Intelligence, Information Fusion,
IEEE Trans. SMC-Part A, IEEE Trans. SMC-Part C,
INFORMATICA (Lithuanian Academy of Sci.),
Int. J. of Integrated Design and Process Science,
Computers in Biology and Medicine,
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine,
Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences,
Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications,
Automation and Remote Control,
Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics,
Advances in Engineering Software,
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis,
Eng. Cybernetics,
Expert Systems with Applications, Int. Journal of Technology, Policy and Management,
Autom. Doc. and Math. Linguistics,
Scientific and Technical Information Processing,
LNCS (Springer), etc.;
(1) Levin M.Sh., Modular System Design and Evaluation.
Springer, 473 p., (Due: Sep. 14, 2014) 2015.
(2) Levin M.Sh., Composite Systems Decisions.
Springer, 254 p., 2006.
(3) Levin M.Sh., Combinatorial Engineering of Decomposable Systems,
Kluwer (now: Springer), 372 p., 1998.
(4) "Decision Making: Combinatorial Models of
Information Approximation",
with co-author, Nauka (FIZMATLIT), 1990 (in Russian).
Book (pdf-file)
(5) Levin M.Sh.,
Decision Support Technology for Modular Systems.
Electronic book. 341 pp. (in Russian). 2013.
Book (pdf-file)