MAIN RESULTS of Mark Sh. Levin
1.1. New effective (polynomial)
algorithm for a class of scheduling problems under
precedence constraint as parallel-series digraph
(1) M.Sh. Levin, Effective solution of certain problems
of theory of scheduling of nets.
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis),
16(1), 148-154, 1980.
(2) M.Sh. Levin,
Deterministic planning problems for identical processors
and simultaneous arrival of tasks.
Engineering Cybernetics, 20(4), 49-55, 1982.
1.2. New kind of fast (polynomial) approximation scheme
for a special knapsack-like problem
(on tree, with some additional logical constraints;
the problem corresponds to "call problem" in tree-like software overlay structures)
(1) M.Sh. Levin, An extremal problem of organization of data.
Engineering Cybernetics, 19(5), 87-95, 1981.
Corresponding talk was given
at seminar on discrete optimization
in Central Economic-Mathematical Inst.
(Russian Acad. of Sci., Moscow;
Dec. 1979)
1.3. New modular approach to design of strategy
multicriteria ranking of alternatives
new interative modification of outranking technique
while taking into account the dominance-weights of alternatives)
(implementation in DSS "COMBI")
(1) M.Sh. Levin,
Combinatorial Models in Decision Making.
In: Procedures for Evaluation of Multicriteria Objects,
Inst. for Systems Analysis, Moscow, 35-41, 1984 (in Russian)
(2) M.Sh. Levin, A.A. Mikhailov,
Fragments of Objects Set
Stratification Technology, Preprint, Moscow, Inst. for Systems
Studies (Russian Acad. of Sci.), 60 p., 1988 (in Russian)
(3) M.Sh. Levin,
Application of optimization
combinatorial problems for evaluation of alternatives.
In: "Decision Making and Analysis in Expert Judgement",
Scientific Council on the Problem "Cybernetics"
(Russian Acad. of Sci.),
Vol. 151, 60-79, 1989 (in Russian)
1.4. New models of proximities:
(i) for rankings (vector-like proximity with ordered components),
(ii) for structures/preferences/digraphs over the same set of vertices (new kind of common subgraph as a solution of an optimization problem)
(1) M.Sh. Levin,
Vector-like proximity estimates for structures.
All-Russian Conf. "Problems and Methods of Decision Making
in Organizational Management Systems",
Moscow, Inst. for System Analysis, 116-117, 1988 (in Russian).
(2) M.Sh. Levin, Towards Comparison of Decomposable Systems,
Int. Conf. on Classification, Kobe, 187-190, March 1996.
(3) M.Sh. Levin, Towards comparison of decomposable systems,
Data Science, Classification, and Related Methods,
Springer, Tokyo, 154-161, 1998.
(4) M.Sh. Levin, Combinatorial Engineering of Decomposable Systems,
Springer, 1998.
(5) M.Sh. Levin,
Common part of preference relations,
Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences,
28(4), 223-246, 2003.
1.5. New general Hierarchical Multicriteria Morphological Design
(extension of morphological analysis of F. Zwicky)
and its applications in many domains of CS/IT, engineering, management
(e.g., software engineering, communication systems,
civil engineering, information systems,
medicine, immunology, concrete technology, smart homes)
(based on new combinatorial problem as "morphological clique").
The approach suggested a new decision making paradigm for composite decisions:
(a) basic DM paradigm of Herbert A. Simon: multicriteria selection of the best alternative,
(b) here (composite decision):
selection of alternatives for decision parts
while taking into account ordinal quality of the selected alternatives and
ordinal quality of their compatibility.
(1) M.Sh. Levin,
Hierarchical design of user interfaces.
LNCS 876, Springer, pp. 140-151, 1994.
(2) M.Sh. Levin, Towards Hierarchical Morphological Design of
Decomposable Systems. 2nd Conf. on Concurrent Engineering CE'95,
Virginia, USA, 65-75, Aug. 1995.
(3) M.Sh. Levin, Towards Combinatorial Engineering of Decomposable
Systems, 13th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems,
Vienna, Austria, Vol. 1, 265-270, April 1996.
(4) M.Sh. Levin,
Hierarchical morphological multicriteria design
of decomposable systems.
Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications,
4(2), pp. 111-117, 1996
(Journal 2014'IF = 0.851).
(5) Levin M.Sh.,
Combinatorial design of systems.
Automatization of Design (Russian Academy of Sciences).
No. 4, 14-19, 1997 (in Russian).
(6) M.Sh. Levin, Combinatorial Engineering of Decomposable Systems,
Springer, 1998.
(7) M.Sh. Levin, Composite Systems Decisions.
Springer, 2006.
(8) M.Sh. Levin,
Towards combinatorial analysis, adaptation, and planning
of human-computer systems,
Applied Intelligence, 16(3), 235-247, 2002
(Journal 2014'IF = 3.681).
(9) M.Sh. Levin,
System synthesis with morphological clique problem:
Fusion of Subsystem Evaluation Decisions.
Information Fusion, 2(3), 225-237, 2001
(Journal 2012'IF = 2.262).
(journal site)
(10) M.Sh. Levin, M.L. Nisnevish,
Combinatorial scheme for management of life cycle:
Example for concrete macrotechnology.
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing,
12(4), 393-401, 2001
(Journal 2014'IF = 1.731).
(11) M.Sh. Levin,
Modular system synthesis: Example for composite packaged software.
IEEE Trans. on SMC, Part C, 35(4), 544-553, 2005
(Journal 2012'IF = 2.548).
(12) M.Sh. Levin, S.Yu. Sharov,
Hierarchical morphological design of Web-hosting system.
Int. Journal of Integrated Design & Process Science, 13(1), 1-14,
(journal issue site)
(13) M.Sh. Levin, A. Andrushevich, A. Klapproth A.
Composition of management system for smart homes.
Electronic Scientific Journal "Information Processes",
10(1), 78-86, 2010.
Levin M.Sh., Andrushevich A., Klapproth A.,
Composition of management system for smart homes.
Electronic preprint, 9 pp., March 20, 2011 [cs.SE]
(14) M.Sh. Levin, A.V. Leus,
Configuration of integrated security system.
7th IEEE Int. Conf. INDIN 2009,
Cardiff, UK,
pp. 101-105, 2009.
(15) M.Sh. Levin, Towards morphological system design.
7th IEEE Int. Conf. INDIN 2009,
Cardiff, UK, pp. 95-100, 2009.
(16) M.Sh. Levin, A.V. Fimin,
Configuration of alarm wireless sensor element.
2nd Int. Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications
and Control Systems
and Workshops
ICUMT-2010, Moscow, 924-928, 2010.
(17) M.Sh. Levin,
Morphological methods for design of modular systems (a survey).
Electronic preprint. 20 pp., Jan. 9, 2012. [cs.SE]
(18) M.Sh. Levin,
Multiset estimates and combinatorial synthesis.
Electronic preprint. 30 pp., May 9, 2012. [cs.SY]
1.6. New combinatorial approach to multi-function
system testing (with Mark Last, Ben-Gurion Univ., Israel)
(1) M.Sh. Levin, M. Last,
Test case sequences in system testing:
Selection of test cases for a chain (Sequence)
of Function Clusters.
In: R. Orchand, Ch. Yang, M. Ali, (Eds.),
Innovations in Applied Artificial Intelligence,
LNCS 3029, Springer, 895-904, 2004.
(2) M.Sh. Levin, M. Last,
Multi-function system testing: Composition of test set.
8th IEEE Int. Conf. on High Assurance Systems
Engineering HASE'2004, Tampa, FL, 99-108, 2004.
(3) M.Sh. Levin, M. Last,
Design of test inputs and their sequences
in multi-function system testing.
Applied Intelligence, 25(1), 105-124,
(Journal 2012'Impact Factor = 1.853).
1.7. Combinatorial technological systems problems for modular systems
(e.g., design, improvement, combinatorial evolution/development and forecasting; new glance)
and their applications (e.g., communication systems, information systems, electronic systems, standards, communication protocols)
(1) M.Sh. Levin,
Combinatorial technological systems problems
(examples for communication system).
Intl. Conf. on Systems Engineering and Modeling ICSEM-2007,
24-32, March 20-23, Israel, 2007.
(2) Levin M.Sh., Composite Systems Decisions.
Springer, 2006.
(3) M.Sh. Levin, M.A. Danieli,
Hierarchical decision making framework for evaluation and
improvement of composite systems (example for building).
INFORMATICA (Lith. Acad. of Sci.),
16(2), 213-240, 2005
(Journal 2012'IF = 1.117).
(4) M.Sh. Levin, O. Kruchkov, O. Hadar, E. Kaminsky,
Combinatorial systems evolution:
Example of standard for multimedia information.
INFORMATICA (Lith. Acad. of Sci.), 20(4), 519-538,
2009. (Journal 2012'IF = 1.117).
(5) M.Sh. Levin, Towards communication network development
(structural systems issues, combinatorial problems).
IEEE Region 8 Int. Conf. Sibircon 2010,
vol. 1, 204-208, 2010.
(6) M.Sh. Levin, A. Andrushevich, R. Kistler, A. Klapproth,
Combinatorial evolution of ZigBee protocol.
IEEE Region 8 Int. Conf. Sibircon 2010,
vol. 1, 314-319, 2010.
(7) M.Sh. Levin, B.J. Feldman,
System evolution: Example for signal processing.
14th Int. Conf. on Syst. Eng. ICSE'2000,
Coventry Univ., UK, 377-380, 2000.
(8) M.Sh. Levin, Combinatorial Evolution of Composite Systems.
16th Eur. Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research.
Vol. 1, Vienna, Austria, 275-280, Apr. 2002.
(9) M.Sh. Levin, A. Andrushevich, A. Klapproth,
Improvement of building automation system.
LNCS 6704, Part II, Springer, 459-468, 2011.
(10) M.Sh. Levin,
Aggregation of composite solutions:
strategies, models, examples.
Electronic preprint. 72 pp., Nov. 29, 2011. [cs.SE]
(11) M.Sh. Levin, A.V. Fimin,
Design of modular wireless sensor.
Electronic preprint. 7 pp., March 9, 2012. [cs.SE]
(12) M.Sh. Levin, A. Andrushevich, R. Kistler,
A. Klapproth,
Combinatorial evolution and forecasting of
communication protocol ZigBee.
Electronic preprint. 6 pp., April 15, 2012. [cs.NI]
(13) M.Sh. Levin,
Towards Combinatorial Evolution of Composite Systems.
Expert Systems with Applications, 2012, 40(40), 1342-1351.
(2014 Journal IF = 2.240)
1.8. Combinatorial optimization
in system configuration design (new glance, systematization)
(1) M.Sh. Levin,
Combinatorial optimization in system configuration design.
Autom. and Remote Control, 70(3), 519-561, 2009
(Journal 2014'IF = 0.266).
Russian analogue version:
Levin M.Sh.,
Combinatorial optimization in system configuration design.
Electronic Scientific Journal "Information Processes",
8(4), 256-300, 2008 (in Russian)
1.9. New macroheuristics (i.e., composite solving frameworks) for multicriteria combinatorial optimization problems
and their applications
in information-communication systems (e.g., multiple choice problem, assignment, spanning trees, Steiner trees)
(1) M.Sh. Levin,
Four-layer framework for combinatorial optimization problems domain.
Advances in Engineering Software, 42(12), 1089-1098, 2011
(2014 Journal IF = 1.402).
(journal site)
(2) M.Sh. Levin, A.V. Safonov,
Design and redesign of configuration for facility
in communication network.
Information Technologies and Computer Systems
(Russian Acad. of Sci.),
Issue 4, 63-73, 2006 (in Russian).
(journal site)
(3) M.Sh. Levin, A.V. Safonov,
Towards modular redesign of networked system.
2nd Int. Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications
and Control Systems and Workshops
ICUMT-2010, Moscow, 109-114, 2010.
(4) M.Sh. Levin, A.V. Safonov,
Improvement of regional telecommunications networks.
J. of Communications Technology and Electronics,
56(6), 770-778, 2011.
(Journal 2014'IF=0.388)
(journal site)
Russian analogue version:
Levin M.Sh., Safonov A.V.,
Towards improvement of regional telecommunication network.
Electronic Scientific Journal "Information Processes",
10(3), 212-223, 2010 (in Russian).
(5) M.Sh. Levin, R.I. Nuriakhmetov,
Multicriteria Steiner tree problem for communication network.
Electronic Scientific Journal "Information Processes",
9(3), 199-209, 2009.
Levin M.Sh., Nuriakhmetov R.I.,
Multicriteria Steiner tree problem for communication network.
Electronic preprint. [cs.DS], 11 pp., Febr. 12, 2011
(6) M.Sh. Levin, A.A. Zamkovoy,
Multicriteria Steiner tree with cost of Steiner vertices.
J. of Communications Technology and Electronics,
56(12), 1527-1542, 2011
(Journal 2014'IF=0.388)
(in press).
Russian analogue version:
Levin M.Sh., Zamkovoy A.A.,
Multicriteria Steiner tree with cost of Steiner vertices.
Electronic Scientific Journal "Information Processes",
11(1), 140-160, 2011 (in Russian).
(7) M.Sh. Levin, M.V. Petukhov, Multicriteria assignment problem
(selection of access points). LNCS 6097, part II,
Springer, pp. 277-287, 2010.
(8) M.Sh. Levin, M.V. Petukhov,
Connection of users with a telecommunications network:
multicriteria assignment problem.
J. of Communications Technology and Electronics,
vol. 55, no. 12, pp. 1532-1541, 2010. (Journal 2014'IF=0.388)
(journal site)
Russian analogue version:
Levin M.Sh., Petukhov M.V.,
Connection of users and telecommunication network
(multicriteria assignment problem).
Electronic Scientific Journal "Information Processes",
vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 332-342, 2009 (in Russian)
(9) M.Sh. Levin,
Selection of user's connection in last mile problem.
IEEE Trans. SMC - Part A, 41(2), 370-374, 2011.
(Journal 2012'IF = 2.183)
(10) M.Sh. Levin, A.V. Safonov,
Heuristic for multicriteria multiple choice knapsack problem.
Artificial Intelligence & Decision Making (Russian Acad. of Sci.),
Issue 4, pp. 53-64, 2009 (in Russian)
(journal site)
(11) M.Sh. Levin, A.O. Merzlyakov,
Composite combinatorial scheme of test planning
(example for microprocessor systems)
IEEE Region 8 Int. Conf. "Sibircon-2008", Novosibirsk, pp. 291-295, 2008.
(12) M.Sh. Levin, Restructuring in combinatorial optimization.
Electronic preprint.
11 pp., Febr. 8, 2011. [cs.DS]
(13) M.Sh. Levin,
Towards four-layer framework of combinatorial problems.
IEEE Int. Conf. COMPSAC 2008, Turku,
pp. 873-878, 2008.
(14) M.Sh. Levin,
Towards electronic shopping of composite product.
Electronic preprint. 10 pp., March 3, 2012. [cs.SE]
1.10. K-set problems approach (new glance, systematization):
(i) problem structuring and solving,
(ii) education (including human classification, learning, etc.).
(1) M.Sh. Levin,
k-Set frameworks in multicriteria combinatorial optimisation.
Int. J. of Technology, Policy and Management, 11(1), 85-95, 2011.
(journal site)
(2) M.Sh. Levin,
Towards k-set problem frameworks in education.
The 3rd Int. Conf. on Computer Supported Education CSEDU-2011,
vol. 2, The Netherlands, 99-104, May 6-9, 2011.
(3) M.Sh. Levin,
Towards k-set frameworks in multicriteria combinatorial optimization.
22nd Int. Conf. on System Research,
Informatics and Cybernetics - InterSymp'2010,
vol. XI,
The Int, Inst. for
Advanced Studies in Syst. Res. and Cybern.,
K.J. Engemann, G.E. Lasker (Eds.),
37-41, 2010.
1.11. Interval multiset estimates in combinatorial synthesis
(and in combinatorial optimization)
(1) M.Sh. Levin,
Multiset estimates and combinatorial synthesis.
Electronic preprint. 30 pp., May 9, 2012. [cs.SY]
(2) M.Sh. Levin,
Modular design and improvement of the management system in
the smart home
with the use of interval multiset estimates.
Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics,
vol. 58, no. 6, 584-593, 2013.
(Journal 2014'IF=0.388)
(journal site)
M.Sh. Levin,
Modular design and improvement of management in smart homes
with interval multiset estimates.
Electronic Scientific Journal "Information Processes",
12(2), 141-154, 2012 (in Russian)
(3) M.Sh. Levin,
Composition of modular telemetry system with interval
multiset estimates.
Electronic preprint. 9 pp., July 25, 2012. [cs.SY]
(4) M.Sh. Levin,
Towards combinatorial evolution of composite systems.
Expert Systems with Applications, 40(4), 1342-1351, 2013.
(2012 Journal IF = 1.854)
(5) M.Sh. Levin,
Combinatorial synthesis of communication protocol ZigBee
with interval multiset estimates. 4th Int. Congress ICUMT 2012,
29-34, 2012
(6) M.Sh. Levin,
Synthesis of MPEG-like standard with interval
multiset estimates.
The Eight Int. Conf. on Digital Telecommunications ICDT 2013,
Italy, 14-19, 2013.
(conf. site with papers as pdf-files)
(7) M.Sh. Levin, Modular System Design and Evaluation.
Springer, 473 p., 2015 (Due: Sep. 2014).
Decision support platform for modular/composite
(hierarchical modeling, combinatorial synthesis, evaluation,
detection of bottlenecks,
improvement/extension, multistage design, evolution and forecasting)
(1) M.Sh. Levin,
Note on combinatorial engineering frameworks
for hierarchical modular systems.
Electronic preprint. 11 pp., Mar. 29, 2013. [math.OC]
(2) M.Sh. Levin,
Improvement/extension of modular systems as combinatorial reengineering (survey).
Electronic preprint. 24 pp., Apr. 17, 2013. [cs.AI]
(3) M.Sh. Levin,
Note on evaluation of hierarchical modular systems.
Electronic preprint. 15 pp., May 21, 2013. [cs.AI]
(4) M.Sh. Levin,
Towards Detection of Bottlenecks in Modular Systems.
Electronic preprint. 12 pp., June 1, 2013. [cs.AI]
(5) M.Sh. Levin,
Towards Multistage Design of Modular Systems.
Electronic preprint. 13 pp., June 19, 2013. [cs.AI]
(6) M.Sh. Levin,
Decision Support Technology for Modular Systems.
Electronic book. 341 pp. (in Russian). 2013.
(7) M.Sh. Levin, Modular System Design and Evaluation.
Springer, 473 p., 2015 (Due: Sep. 2014).
(8) M.Sh. Levin,
Towards Decision Support Technology Platform for Modular Systems.
Electronic preprint. 10 pp., Aug. 23, 2014. [cs.SY]
2.1 Models, algorithms, programs for
control center in distributed system (special application):
(i) fusion of dynamical information from five sensors
(over 200 objects; similar problems have been investigated in USA
after several years)
(ii) simulation software for multi-target tracking
(1) M.Sh. Levin,
Algorithm for fusion of information in control system,
Issues of Special Radio-Electronics, Series
"Radio-Electronic Engineering",
No. 1, 95-101, 1973 (in Russian).
(2) Technical Reports in NIEMI
(now: part of "Almaz/Antey") (1970...1973)
(3) Command Post for S300V, Wikipedia (in Russian)
(4) System S300V (English)
2.2. DBMS (design of two subsystems, implementaion in two government organizations for statistics processing
and two manufacturing organizations for machine maintenance)
(1) Technical Reports (1974...1977)
2.3. Management System (DBMS, DSS)
(oil, gas fields in Russia; for Russia Ministry of Geology):
design, implementation, maintenance, and utilization
(information system, system for two-year optimization planning)
(1) Technical Reports (1977...1980)
(2) M.Sh. Levin, A.P. Gilbershtein,
Information System "Geology".
In: Development of Computer Management System "Geology",
Inst. for Mineral Resources (RAS), Issue 4(18), 41-54,
1979 (in Russian)
2.4. Management in Moscow house-building for method "KOPE"
(system approach to "house-building conveyor"; methodology/model/algorithm/software for two-year planning in manufacturing/house-building organization "DSK-2")
(1) Technical Reports in "Mosproekt-1" (1980...1983)
(2) V.I. Fershter, M.Sh. Levin,
Acceleration of Implementation
for New Building Series in House-Building.
"Advances in Moscow's House-Building",
No. 3, 11-14, 1983 (in Russian)
2.5. Multicriteria methodology for quality analysis
in machine-building and design/planning of testing procedures
(1) Technical Reports in VNIINMASH (1983...1989)
(2) M.Sh. Levin,
Typical Approach to Quality Evaluation in Machine-Building,
Moscow, VNIIKI, 4, 64 pp., 1988 (in Russian)
(3) M.Sh. Levin,
Typical Procedure for Quality Analysis on the Basis of
Technological Approach. "Standardization and Quality in USSR",
1990, N 4, 12-18 (in Russian)
(4) M.Sh. Levin, M.V. Zurzev,
Analysis of Importance for Faults in Technical Systems.
" Standardization and Quality in USSR", No. 26, 1-6,
1987 (in Russian).
(5) M.Sh. Levin,
Instrumental Tools for Evaluation of Effectiveness
of Organizational-Technical Measurements in Machine-Building.
Moscow: VNIITEMR, 60 pp, 1988 (in Russian).
(6) M.Sh. Levin,
Contemporary Approach to Evaluation of Effectiveness of Plan and Design Decisions in Machine-Buildings,
Moscow: VNIITEMR, 56 pp., 1987 (in Russian).
2.6. Family of DSS "COMBI" for multicriteria ranking
(based on modular solving strategies; with A.A. Mikhailov)
(1) M.Sh. Levin, A.A. Mikhailov A.A.
Dialogue System for Comparison of
Multicriteria Objects./ 89.01.0045; 50890000275; 89.03.
Description 77p, Specification 3 p.// Information Bulletin
"Algorithms & Software", Computing Center of Russian
Academy of Sciences, 1990, N 1.
(2) M.Sh. Levin, A.A. Mikhailov,
COMBI - Systems for Solving of
Stratification and Combinatorial Problems. In:
"Methods for Complex Systems", Inst. for System Analysis (RAS),
Vol. 10, 49-53, 1988 (in Russian)
(3) M.Sh. Levin, A.A. Mikhailov,
Building of system for solving of group ranking
problems. In:
"Models and Methods of Optimization", Inst. for System Analysis (RAS),
Vol. 11, 109-114, 1987 (in Russian)
(4) M.Sh. Levin, A.A. Mikhailov,
Fragments of Objects Set
Stratification Technology, Preprint, Moscow, Inst. for Systems
Studies (RAS), 60 p., 1988 (in Russian)
(5) M.Sh. Levin,
Composite strategy for multicriteria ranking/sorting
(methodological issues, examples).
Electronic preprint. 24 p., Nov. 9, 2012. [math.OC]
2.7. Hierarchical Hypertext System
(and its realization for several domains;
the system corresponds to ontology-based approach to information systems that is well-known about since 1996)
(1) M.Sh. Levin,
A hierarchical hypertext system.
Autom. Doc. and Math. Linguistics.
23(3), 52-59, 1989.
(journal site, AllertonPress)
(2) M.Sh. Levin,
Hypertext as the basis for knowledge representation in
quality management.
Technological approach.
"Standardization and Quality in USSR",
6, 9-15, 1990 (in Russian)
2.8. Multicriteria methodology based on multicriteria combinatorial optimization
for design/management in communication networks (multicriteria selection/assignment of link types)
(with D.B. Magidson; models/algorithms/software, implementation for two All-Russian networks, 1985...1990)
(1) M.Sh. Levin, D.B. Magidson,
The choice of communication channels in the design
of a specialized automated information system.
Autom. Doc. and Math. Linguistics.
Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 13-19, 1985.
(jornal site, AllertonPress)
(2) M.Sh. Levin, D.B. Magidson, E.P. Samsonova,
Choice problem on communication equipment in computer-information system.
Autom. Doc. and Math. Linguistics, 24(5), 55-64, 1990.
(journal site, AllertonPress)
(3) M.Sh. Levin, D.B. Magidson,
Designing a communication equipment in specialized automated information systems.
Autom. Doc. and Math. Linguistics, 24(1), 1990.
(journal site, AllertonPress)
(4) M.Sh. Levin, D.B. Magidson,
Design of Communication in Computer Network.
INFORMPRIBOR, Moscow, 1990, Issue 2, 52 p.
(in Russian)
(5) M.Sh. Levin, D.B. Magidson, E.P. Samsonova,
Design o of Communication
on the Basis of Optimization and Multicriteria Decision Making.
INFORMPRIBOR, Moscow, 1990, Issue 3, 40 p. (in Russian)
(6) M.Sh. Levin, D.B. Magidson, E.P. Samsonova,
Experience in Design of Communication for
Information-Computer Networks (GOSSNAB).
CNIITEIMS, Moscow, 1989, Issue 3, 32 pp. (In Russian).
2.9. Software (MatLab)
for processing of physical experiment results (image processing for PIV)
(1) M.Sh. Levin, Technical Reports (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Ben-Gurion Univ., Israel, 2002...2003).
3.1. New course "System Design" (2004...2008; Moscow Inst. of Physics and Technology - State University, Faculty of Radio Engineering and Cybernetics)
(1) M.Sh. Levin,
Towards teaching of system design.
Information Technologies and Computer Systems
(Russian Acad. of Sci.), Issue 2, 89-94, 2007 (in Russian).
(journal site)
(2) M.Sh. Levin,
Course "Design of Systems: Structural Approach",
ASME Int. Design Engineering Technical Conferences and
Computers and Information in Engineering Conference
(IDETC/CIE2006), Paper no. DETC2006-99547,
Volume 4a: 18th Int. Conf. on Design Theory and Methodology DTM,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA,
475-484, Sept. 2006.
(ASME site)
(3) M.Sh. Levin,
Course on system design (structural approach).
Electronic Scientific Journal "Information Processes",
10(4), 303-324, 2010.
M.Sh. Levin,
Course on system design (structural approach).
Electronic preprint, 22 pp., March 20, 2011. [cs.SE]
(4) M.Sh. Levin, Student research projects in system design.
Int. Conf. on Computer Supported Education CSEDU-2009,
Lisbon, vol. 2, 67-72, 2009.
3.2. New course "Introduction in System Engineering" (1999;
Ariel University Center, Israel)
(1) M.Sh. Levin,
Towards Systems Engineering Education,
15th Eur. Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research.
Vol. 1, Vienna, Austria, 257-262, Apr. 2000.
(2) G.T. Lang, M.Sh. Levin,
Multilevel approach to systems engineering education.
13th Intl. Conf. on Systems Engineering ICSE99, Las Vegas,
USA, SE181-185, Aug. 1999.
(3) M.Sh. Levin,
Hierarchical Decision Making for Education in
Information Engineering, 7th Annual Conf. of EAEEIE, Oulu,
301-307, June 1996.
3.3. New short course "Introduction in Decision Making" (1995;
Academy of Russian Government)
(1) M.Sh. Levin,
The third literacy. Autom. Doc. and Math. Linguistics.
29(3), 66-81, 1995.
(journal site, AllertonPress)
(2) M.Sh. Levin,
Typical decision making problems in preparation of business plans.
Scientific and Technical Information Processing.
22, 24-34, 1995.
(journal site, AllertonPress)
(3) M.Sh. Levin,
On teaching of information technology.
Nauchno-Tekhnicheskaya Informatsiya,
Ser. 1, No. 5, pp. 14-23, 1996 (in Russian).
(journal site)
4.1. Marketing
(1) M.Sh. Levin,
Combinatorial scheme for design of marketing strategy.
Business Informatics, Issue 2, 42-51, 2009 (in Russian).
(journal issue site)
4.2. Governmental and Political Management
(1) M.Sh. Levin, O.P. Kudinov,
On structured approach to political management.
Electronic Scientific Journal "Information Processes",
vol. 11, no. 4, 466-475, 2011
(in Russian).
(2) M.Sh. Levin, A.V. Fimin,
Combinatorial scheme for analysis of political candidates
and their strategies.
Electronic Scientific Journal "Information Processes"
(Russian Academy of Sciences: Inst. of Applied Mathematics,
Inst. for Information Transmisson Problems)
9(2), 83-92, 2009 (in Russian)
5.1. Combinatorial Planning of Medical Treatment
(1) M.Sh. Levin, L.V. Sokolova,
Hierarchical combinatorial planning of medical treatment.
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine,
73(1), 3-11, 2004
(Journal 2012'IF = 1.555).
(journal site)
5.2. Immunoassay Technology
(1) M.Sh. Levin., M. Firer,
Hierarchical morphological design of immunoassay technology.
Computers in Biology and Medicine, 35(3), 229-245, 2005
(Journal 2012'IF = 1.162).
(journal site)