TOPICS FOR LAB. WORK 12 (additional, individual, by choice):


1.Special real-world application on the basis of several (3/4 or more)  models:

(a) models:

multicriteria ranking, multicriteria knapsack,

multicriteria multiple choice problem, clustering, assignment/allocation,

morphological combinatorial synthesis;

(b) application (applied system):

software package, algorithm system, electronic device,

communication system, router, antenna, space telescope,  

control/management strategy, plan of system upgrade,

marketing plan, organization, etc.


2.Cross-entropy method (MatLab program from the site) and applied problem

(e.g., allocation, evaluation of reliability for a network, etc.).                 


3.Heuristic on the basis of “space-filling curve” approach

(Prof. John J. Bartholdi, III; Georgia Institute of Technology)

and an application (TSP, allocation, etc.)  (see corresponding sites)


4.Genetic algorithm for an applied problem (see sites)


5.Evolutionary multiobjective optimization method for an applied problem

(see corresponding site)


6.Heuristic/macroheuristic for an applied problem (see sites)


7.A method for quadratic assignment problem (site on assignment, etc.)