PRESENTATIONS of Mark Sh. Levin:
1. Oct. 2013, Moscow, Russia,
Conf. CAD/CAM/PDM-2013,
"Combinatorial support schemes for modular systems",
(conference site with papers)
2. Oct. 2012, St. Petersburg, Russia,
4th Int. Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications
and Control Systems
"Combinatorial synthesis of communication protocol
ZigBee with interval multiset estimates"
(conf. site)
Report in Russian
3. May 2011, Noordwijk, The Netherlands,
3rd Int. Conf. CSEDU-2011,
"Towards k-set frameworks in education"
(conf. site)
4. Oct. 2010, Moscow, Russia,
2nd Int. Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications
and Control Systems and Workshops
"Configuration of alarm wireless sensor element",
(with A.V. Fimin) (self-funding)
(conf. site)
5. Oct. 2010, Moscow, Russia,
2nd Int. Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications
and Control Systems and Workshops
"Towards modular redesign of networked system",
(with A.V. Safonov)
(conf. site)
6. Oct. 2010, Moscow, Russia,
Conf. CAD/CAM/PDM-2010,
"Multicriteria Steiner tree problem with cost of Steiner vertices",
(with A.A. Zamkovoy)
(conference site with papers)
7. Aug. 2010, Baden-Baden, Germany,
11th Symp. on Decision Technology and Intelligent Information Systems
(with The 22nd Int. Conf. on Systems Research, Informatics & Cybernetics - InterSymp'2010),
"Towards k-set frameworks in multicriteria combinatorial optimization".
(conf. site)
Report in Russian
8. July 2010, Irkutsk, Russia,
IEEE Region 8 Int. Conf. "Sibircon 2010",
"Towards communication network development
(structural systems issues, combinatorial problems)".
(conf. site)
Report in Russian
9. July 2010, Irkutsk, Russia,
IEEE Region 8 Int. Conf. "Sibircon 2010",
"Combinatorial evolution of ZigBee protocol".
(with A. Andrushevich, R. Kistler, A. Klapproth) (self-funding)
(conf. site)
10. June 2010, Cordoba, Spain, 23rd Int. Conf.
on Industrial Engineering &
Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems "IEA/AIE 2010"
(Int. Society of Applied Intelligence),
"Multicriteria assignment problem
(selection of access points)".
(with M.V. Petukhov)
(conf. site)
Report in Russian
11. May 2010, Malaga, Spain,
ECCO XXIII-CO2010 (European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization),
"New heuristic algorithm for multicriteria multiple choice knapsack problem",
(with A.V. Safonov, the talk of A.V. Safonov)
(conf. site)
12. Sept. 2009, Zvenigorod, Russia,
3rd Int. Conf. on System Analysis and Information Technologies
"Towards multicriteria Steiner tree for communication network"
(with R.I. Nuriakhmetov, the talk of R.I. Nuriakhmetov)
13. July 2009, Bonn, Germany,
23rd European Conf. on Operational Research
EURO 2009,
"Morphological system design and multicriteria decision making"
14. June 2009, Cardiff, UK,
IEEE 7th. Int. Conf. on Industrial Informatics INDIN 2009,
"Towards morpological system design"
(compressed presentation)
15. June 2009, Cardiff, UK,
IEEE 7th. Int. Conf. on Industrial Informatics INDIN 2009,
"Configuration of integrated security systems",
(with A.V. Leus)
16. May 2009, Jerusalem, Israel,
ECCO XXII, Conf. of the Eur. Chapter on
Combinatorial Optimization,
"Combinatorial optimization in system configuration & reconfiguration"
17. March 2009, Lisbon, Potrugal,
Int. Conf. on Computer Supported Education CSEDU 2009,
"Student Research Projects in System Design" (self-funding)
(compressed presentation)
18. July 2008, Turku, Finland,
32rd Annual IEEE Int. Conf. COMPSAC 2008,
"Towards four-layer framework of combinatorial problems",
(compressed presentation)
19. July 2008,
Novosibirsk, Russia, IEEE Region 8 Int. Conf. "Sibircon-2008",
"Towards morphological approach to electronic shopping",
20. July 2008, Novosibirsk, Russia, IEEE Region 8 Int. Conf. "Sibircon-2008",
"Composite combinatorial scheme of test planning (example for microprocessor systems)",
(with A.O. Merzlyakov),
21. May 2008, Israeli Conf. on Operations Research ORSIS-2008,
"Towards teaching of MCDM problems",
22. May 2008, Israeli Conf. on Operations Research ORSIS-2008,
"Morphological analysis, synthesis, and MCDM", (self-funding)
23. Nov. 2007, 50th conf. of Moscow Inst. of Physics & Technology (State Univ.),
"Design of telemetry system with usage of hierarchical
morphological multicriteria appoach"
(with I.A. Khodakovsky, the talk of I.A. Khodakovsky)
24. Nov. 2007, 50th conf. of Moscow Inst. of Physics and Technology (State Univ.),
"Design of sensor node for wireless fire system"
(with A.V. Fimin, the talk of A.V. Fimin)
25. Nov. 2007. 50th conf. of Moscow Inst. of Physics & Technology (State Univ.),
"Hierarchical modeluar design of physical security system"
(with A.V. Leus, The talk of A.V. Leus)
26. Oct. 2007, Int. Conf. on Complex Systems ICCS-2007,
New England Complex Systems Institute, Boston, USA,
"Towards System Configuration Design",
Abstract at NECSI
27. Oct. 2007, Int. Conf. CAD/CAM/PDM-2007,
Inst. of Control Problems, Russian Acad. of Sci., Moscow,
"Hierarchical design of fire alarm wireless sensor element"
(plenary lecture)
(with A.V. Fimin)
28. Oct. 2007, Int. Conf. CAD/CAM/PDM-2007, Inst. of Control Problems,
Russian Acad. of Sci., Moscow,
"Morphological tree model for communication protocol (example)"
(with V.A. Ryabov)
29. Sept. 2007, Int. Workshop "Distributed Computer and Communication Networks"
Inst. for Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow,
"Modular Design of Integrated Security System".
(with Andrey V. Leus, the talk was given by A.V. Leus)
30. Sept. 2007, 2nd Int. Conf. Computer Science in Russia CSR-2007,
Ekaterinburg, Russia,
"Towards Hierarchical Clustering",
31. June 2007, 19th IFIP Int. Conf. on Testing of Communicating Systems,
Tallinn, Estonina,
"Clique-Based Structural Fusion: multi-function system testing",
32. March 2007, Int. Conf. on Systems Engineering and Modeling
ICSEM 2007, Israel, Technion,
"Combinatorial Systems Technological Problems
(Examples for Communication System)"
33. Oct. 2006, 6th Int. Conf. on CAD/CAM/PDM-2006,
Inst. of Control Problems,
Russian Academy of Science, Moscow
"Redesign of Configuration for Communication Network Facilities"
(with Alexander V. Safonov, the talk was given by A.V. Safonov)
34. Sept. 2006, 18th Int. Conf. on Design Theory & Methodology (DTM),
Philadelphia, USA
"Course 'System Design: structural approach"
35. June 2006, 18th Int. Conf. on MCDM, Chania, Crete, Greece
"Towards Testing in Communication Networks:
Multiple Criteria Decision Making (Research in Progress)"
36. June 2006, 18th Int. Conf. on MCDM, Chania, Crete, Creece,
"Multicriteria Problems in System Design Education"
37. June 2006, Int. Conf. on Control Problems,
Inst. for Control Problem, Moscow, Russian,
"Multicriteria Design/Upgrade of Communication Network
(Multicriteria Multiple Choice Problem)"
(with Alexander V. Safonov, the talk was given by A.V. Safonov)
38. July 2005, 17th IMACS World Congress, Paris, France,
"Some Combinatorial Optimization Schemes
for Multi-Layer Network Topology",
(with N.A. Kuznetsov, V.M. Vishnevsky)
39. May 2005, ECCO XVIII, Conf. of the Eur. Chapter on
Combinatorial Optimization, Minsk, Belorussia,
"Interchange Technique and Integrative Heuristic Framework
(Research in Progress)"
40. May 2005, ECCO XVIII, Conf. of the Eur. Chapter on
Combinatorial Optimization, Minsk, Belorussia,
"Morphological Clique Problem and Its Applications"
41. Apr. 2005,
Int. Workshop on Distributed Computer and Communication Networks,
Sofia, Bulgaria, "Hierarchical Morphological Design Approach:
some new applications in communication networks"
42. June 2004, 2nd Moscow Conference
"Decomposition Methods in Mathematical Modeling
& Informatics",
Computing Center of Russian Academy of Sciences,
"Partitioning /Synthesis Morphological Heuristic"
43. Febr. 2004, IASTED Conf. "AI and Applications", Innsbruck, Autria,
"Collection of Test Case Sequences:
Covering of Function Cluster Digraph"
(with Mark Last)
44. June 2001,
14th Intl. Conf. on Industrial and Engineering Application
of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, IAE/AIE 2001, Hungary
"Hierarchical Approach for Engineering Skills Acquisition"
45. April 2001, Budapest, Hungary, Sunbelt Conference on Social Networks.
"Towards Multilayer Networks and Combinatorial Models", Hungary
46. April 2001, Haifa, Israel, Haifa University,
Workshop on Interdisciplinary
Applications of Graph Theory and Algorithms.
"Morphological Clique Problem and Applications"
47. July 2000, Ankara, Turkey, 15th Intl. Conf. on Multiple Criteria Decision
Making, "Towards Spaces of Excellence for Composite Systems"
48. July 2000, Ankara, Turkey, 15 Intl. Conf. on Multiple
Criteria Decision Making, "Hierarchical Design of Life Cycle"
(with E. Ben Ezri, O. Blonder, A. Shem-Tov, N. Lev, K. Hershkovits)
49. July 2000, Ankara, Turkey, 15th Intl. Conf. on Multiple Criteria
Decision Making, "Hierarchical Multicriteria Evaluation of Buildings"
(with M. Danieli)
50. June 2000, Alicante, Spain, 5th Intl. Meeting of the Society
for Social Choice and Welfare,
"Towards Common Part of Preference Relations"
51. May 2000, Eilat, Israel, National Meeting on Operations Research,
"Multicriteria Design of Product Trajectory: Example"
(with S. Inon, A. Shiff, R. Shraga, H. Zamir)
52. Apr. 2000, Vienna, Austria, 13th Eur. Meeting on Cybernetics
and Systems Research,
"Towards Systems Engineering Education"
53. Aug. 1999, Las Vegas, USA,
13th Intl. Conf. on Systems Engineering ICSE99,
"Algorithm Systems for Combinatorial Optimization:
Hierarchical Multistage Framework"
and "Multilevel Approach to Systems Engineering Education"
(with G.T. Lang)
54. Sept. 1996, Gdansk, Poland,
5th Intl.Conf. on Information Systems Develpment,
"Combinatorial Design in Hypertext".
55. Aug. 1996, Moscow, Russia, EWHCI'96,
"Combinatorial Analysis and Adaptation of
Human-Computer Systems".
56. July 1996, Moscow, Russia, Intl Conf. on Information Technology,
"Hierarchical Design of Vibration Conveyor" (with Yu.T. Kaganov).
57. June 1996, Oulu, Finland, 7th Annual Eur. Conf. of EAEEIE.
"Hierarchical Decision Making for Education in Information Engineering".
58. May 1996, Victoria, Canada, SIAM-OPT Conf. on Optimization,
"Toward Combinatorial Sythesis".
59. Apr. 1996, Poznan, Poland,
5th Intl. Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling
"Hierarchical Morphological Design in Project Management".
60. April 1996, Vienna, Austria, Vienna Technical Univ.,
"Towards Combinatorial Engineering
of Decomposable Systems", 13th Eur. Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems.
61. March 1996, Intl. Conf. on Classification, Kobe, Japan,
"Towards Comparison of Decomposable Systems".
62. Febr. 1996, Innsbruck, Austria,
IASTED Intl. Conf. on Applied Informatics,
"Towards Design and Redesign of Information Systems".
63. Aug. 1995, MacLean, Virginia, USA, Conf. on Concurrent Engineering,
"Hierarchical Morphological Multicriteria Design of Decomposable Systems".
64. July 1994, Moscow, Russia, IFIP Workshop on Design Autormation,
"Hierarchical Design of Complex Systems".
65. Aug. 1994, St. Petersburg, Russia, EWHCI'94,
"Hierarchical Design of User Interfaces"
66. Febr. 1994, Moscow State Univ., Russian Conf. on Discrete Mathematics,
"Morphological Clique Problem and Its Application"
67. Aug. 1993, Moscow, Russia, EWHCI'93,
"Hierarchical Components of Human-Computer Systems".
68. May 1992, Ashkelon, Israel,
Israeli Conf. on Operations Research,
"DSS for Hierarchical Engineering Design".
69. Apr. 1991, Tel-Aviv Univ., Israel, Israeli Conf. on Operations Research,
"Combinatorial Modeling in Design and Management
for Communication Networks"
70. June 1991, American-Israeli Conference, New York, USA,
"Hierarchical Decision Making"
71. Febr. 1991, Ramat Gan, Kfar-Maccabia, Israel, School of IBM-Users,
"The Usage of Multicriteria Decision Making Problems:
Software Analysis and Design"
72. Aug. 1990, Fairfax, USA, Intl. Conf. on MCDM,
"Technological Approach to Multicriteria
Decision Making"
and "DSS COMBI" (with A.A. Mikhailov)
73. July 1989, Vilnius, Lithuania, USSR Conf. on Information Systems,
"Hierarchical Hypertext System"
74. Febr. 1989, Moscow State Univ.,
Moscow, Russia, Russian Conf. on Discrete Math.,
"Parallel-Series Solving Schemes for Multicriteria Decision Making"
75. Oct. 1988, Yalta, Ukraine,
Intl. Conf. on Multiobjective Programming.
"Combinatorial Models in Quality Analysis".
76. July 1985, Moscow State Univ., Russian Conf. on System Sciences,
Moscow, Russia, "Parallel-Series Solving Schemes for Decision Making"
77. Aug. 1981, Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan, Russian Conf. on Discrete Math.,
"Approximate Algorithms for Some Knapsack-like Problems"
1. 30 Sept. 2013, Inst. for System Analysis (Russian Acad. of Sceinces),
Mark Sh. Levin: "Typical combinatorial schemes for support of
modular systems with morphological models"
Towards Seminar at ISA RAS
2. Sept. 2013, Inst. for Information Transmission Problems (Russian Acad. of Sciecnes),
Lab. 18 "Analysis and synthesis of network protocols",
Mark Sh. Levin: "Typical combinatorial support schemes for
modular systems with morphological models"
3. Dec. 19, 2012; Inst. for Inform. Transmssion Problems
Invitation seminar for students
(Dept. "Technologies of Complex System Modeling", School "Applied Math. and Information Science", Higher School of Economics):
Mark Sh. Levin, "Modular Systems and Combinatorial Optimization"
4. June 2006 & May 2006, Moscow, Inst. for Information Transmission Problems
(Russian Academy of Sciences),
Lab. 10 'Theory of Communication Networks' & Lab. 17,
"Combinatorial Method 'Hierarchical Morphological Multicriteria Design'
and Its Application"
(This is a corrected version of the material that was prepared and
presented at Inst. for System Analysis on May 1996, Moscow)
Support material for the talk, in Russian (pdf-file)
5. April 2006, Moscow, Inst. for Information Transmission Problems,
Lab. 17 'Telecommunication Systems',
" Design & Redesign Schemes for Communication Networks:
Combinatorial & Multicriteria Approaches"
6. May 1, 2003, Beer Sheva, Ben-Gurion Univ., Dept. of Math.,
Applied Mathematics Seminar,
"Morphological Clique Problem and Its Applications"
7. June 2001, Budapest, Intl. Inst. for Advanced Studies,
"Combinatorial Morphological Synthesis and System Evolution:
Engineering Glance"
8. June 2001, Rez, Czech Republic, Inst. of Inorganic Chemistry,
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic,
"Combinatorial Morphological Synthesis"
9. April 2001, Beer Sheva, Israel, Dept. of Industrial Engineering,
Ben-Gurion Univ.
"Combinatorial Hierarchical Morphological Synthesis"
10. May 2000, Altenberg, Austria, Konrad Lorenz Inst.
"Decomposable Systems: Analysis, Synthesis, Improvement"
11. Oct. 1999, Haifa, Israel, Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Haifa,
"Combinatorial Hierarchical Morphological Synthesis"
12. Aug. 1999, Buffalo, USA, Dept. of Ind. Eng., University of Buffalo,
"Combinatorial System Integration and Course on Systems Engineering"
13. Jan. 1999, Ariel, Israel, Research Inst., J & S College,
Mathematical Seminar,
"Interchanging Technique in Ordering: Results and Future"
14. July 1998, Beer-Sheva, Israel, Inst. for Industrial Mathematics,
"Morphological Approach to Modular Design and Planning".
15. May 1998, Rotman School of Management, Univ. of Toronto, Canada,
"Hierarchical Morphological Approach"
16. Febr. 1998, Boston, USA, Center for Coordination Science,
Sloan School of Management, MIT,
"Hierarchical Approach to Design and Planning"
17. Jan. 1996, Univ. of Aizu, Japan, Lab. of Mathematical Foundations
in CS, "Combinatorial Models of Synthesis".
18. Dec. 1995, Seminar on Complexity,
Steklov Mathematical Inst.,
Russian Academy of
Sciences, Moscow, Russia, "Morphological Clique Problem"
19. Dec. 1995, Bauman State Tech. Univ., Moscow, Russia,
"Hierarchical Combinatorial Design of Very Large Systems."
20. Dec. 1995, Berlin Tech. Univ., Germany, Dept. of Mech. Eng.,
Seminar of Prof. W. Beitz, "Combinbatorial Engineering".
21. Dec. 1995, Konstanz Univ., Dep. of Economics, Germany,
"Hierarchical selection and synthesis of alternatives".
22. May 1995, Inst. of Control Problems, Russia Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, Russia, Seminar on Math. Methods in Expert Judgment,
"Towards System Design of Very Large Systems".
23. Apr. 1992, Ben-Gurion Univ., Seminar on Applied Mathematics, Israel,
"Hierarchical Morphological Synthesis".
24. May 1991, Ben-Gurion Univ., Dept. of Ind. Eng. and Management, Israel,
"Combinatorial Modeling"
25. March. 1991, Tel-Aviv Univ., Fac. of Engineering, Israel,
"Towards Solving Schemes in Design".
26. 1984, Kustanay Agricultural Inst. (Univ.), now: Kazakhstan,
Several lectures on optimization and decision making,
Short-time visit (Visiting Prof.)
27. Dec. 1979, Central Economical-Mathematical Inst.,
Russian Academy of Sciences,
Seminar on Discrete Mathematics, Moscow, Russia,
"Approximate Algorithms with Limited Errors for Some Modification
of Tree-like Knapsack Problem"